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Updated: January 18, 2025
Graham's tinkering was never of a cleanly sort; the floor was thick with a litter of rubbish shavings, old nuts and bolts, bits of scrap tin and metal, torn paper, charred ends of matches: an indescribable mess. Duncan surveyed it ruefully, but with the will to do strong in him, took off his coat, turned up his trousers, and fell to.
"Ah, well! if that very fact was the thing which carried them through," his laugh ending in a shrewd smile. This carried the ingenuous mind of his companion beyond its depth. "I don't see where the joke would come in," he said, rather ruefully. "I should have thought nothing else would do it for them." Farquhar slapped him on the shoulder. "So you would," he said.
All our arrangements are made our rooms ordered I have even sent father each day's address. If we cancel everything by telegraph he will be alarmed." "Oh, I did not mean that," protested the lady hurriedly. It was evident that she hardly knew what to say. Medenham's wholly unexpected query had unnerved her. "Is there any alternative?" demanded Cynthia ruefully, glancing from one to the other.
He and Birnie exchanged silent nods; and the former, leaving his work, conducted them up a very filthy flight of stairs to an attic, where a bed, two stools, one table, and an old walnut-tree bureau formed the sole articles of furniture. Gawtrey looked rather ruefully round the black, low, damp walls, and said in a crestfallen tone: "We were better off at the Temple of Hymen.
"It did not seem so at the time," I answered, laughing. "It is easy to think now of what might have been done." "So it is. But for all my days I shall feel it in my bones that I threw the ship away. I shall dream that I am weathering the island. Two ships I have lost running." "One by war and the other by sheer misfortune," I answered. "You make too much of it altogether." He laughed ruefully.
Chad had thereupon, in a few words of rather carefully colourless answer, offered him a general welcome; and Strether, ruefully reflecting that he might have understood the warning as a hint to hospitality, a bid for an invitation, had fallen back upon silence as the corrective most to his own taste. He had asked Mrs.
Geometry will tell us of a circle, a thing never seen in nature; asked about a green circle or an iron circle, it lays its hand upon its mouth. So with the arts. Painting, ruefully comparing sunshine and flake-white, gives up truth of colour, as it had already given up relief and movement; and instead of vying with nature, arranges a scheme of harmonious tints.
You're getting along splendidly." "I I'm afraid so," he said, ruefully. "'Afraid so'! Well, if you aren't the queerest! I suppose you mean father might send you back to the machine-shop if you get well enough. I heard him say something about it the night of the " The jingle of a distant bell interrupted her, and she glanced at her watch. "Bobby Lamhorn!
No one will say a word if you hug her as hard as you like." Carshaw, agreeing to aught but delay, promised ruefully not to interfere. When the river police were at hand a nod brought several powerfully built officers closing in on the main gangway of the Wild Duck. The police-captain, in uniform, accompanied Steingall on board. A deck hand hailed them and asked their business.
Now you stand off and tell me all about myself while they fix the boots and a dollar goes to the quickest through." Young Billy and his tow-headed competitor flattened down, each to a boot, with all their might, while the leader ruefully contemplated Mr. McLean. "That's a Colt.45 you've got," ventured he. "Right again.
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