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Updated: September 11, 2024
My suspicions fell chiefly, I may say wholly, on the strangers that came to us from other parts of the island; for we had on every occasion received such unreserved and unaffected marks of goodwill from the people of Matavai and Oparre that in my own mind I entirely acquitted them. Tinah and Iddeah remained and expostulated with me on the unreasonableness of my anger against them.
Phil, there is no occasion to go off like touchwood; 't is not as thee thinks. What is true, however, is that we've a chance to catch this same rogue of a Brereton, if we but lay heads together." "Oh, dadda!" expostulated Janice. "You'll not for I promised him to tell nothing and never would have spoken had I not been dazed and thinking him dead. I should die of " "Fudge, child!" retorted Mr.
I've got it all ready; green linen frocks, big well-fitting aprons, and such beautiful caps." "Not caps, Meg!" Jan expostulated. "Please not caps." "Certainly caps. How otherwise am I to cover up my head? I can't wear hats all the time. And how could I ever inspire those children with respect with a head like this? When I get into my uniform you'll see what a very superior nurse I look."
Bright felt that it was her duty to admonish "Aunt Susan" to be more careful in what she said. "You are making too light of her creed," she expostulated. "You do not realize the important position Mrs. Besant holds. Why, in India, when she walks from her home to her school all those she meets prostrate themselves.
The rest of the night passed somehow the baby squalled, the parrots verbally expostulated, a hen in one corner of the room let her presence be known, a horrid cat under one of the beds joined in the performance, and the fleas grew more than lively, but the most potent factor was that too long-dead one which appealed to another sense than that of hearing.
He expostulated, and begged very hard, but I was resolute; however, when I again turned my eyes to watch the bow-man, he and his wife were gone. "There," says I to the coxswain, "I knew it would be so; you see Hickman is off." "Only gone to take a parting glass, sir," replied the coxswain; "he'll be here directly." "I hope so; but I'm afraid not."
I was going there with them this morning to get back to our lines and find Jack, when I saw the paragraph in The Examiner, telling of your coming and whereabouts." "What an intrepid young brave you are, Dick!" Olympia cried, as the artless narrative came to an end. "What a cruel boy, to leave his family and and run into such dreadful danger!" Merry expostulated.
"Here's a fine place," he said, pointing to a tumbledown barn, or shed rather; "but I will see if we can get some straw, and something for supper. You will not require much, after the good dinner you enjoyed." In vain Mr Collinson expostulated: he found, at length, that he must submit. The soldiers went out, and came back in a short time with some straw, which they piled up in one corner.
The "copy" he had done for the first issue of the Daily had not been used; on this day he had been sent upon an interview and had obtained from his subject a wretched dozen words. These he had taken to the news-editor; and the news-editor had treated them and him with contempt. "But that's all he would say," poor Bill had expostulated. "All he would say!" the news-editor sneered.
I have already seen him, and expostulated in vain; till then, though I knew your nephew admired Madame di Negra, I could never suppose he harboured a serious intention." EGERTON. "I must believe you, Randal. I will myself see Madame di Negra, though I have no power, and no right, to dictate to her. I have but little time for all such private business.
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