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Updated: July 31, 2024

This poem contains much that has its origin in the circumstances of my own youth. My own mother with the necessary exaggeration served as the model for Ase." Peer Gynt was finished before Ibsen left Sorrento at the end of the autumn, and the MS. was immediately posted to Copenhagen.

And Ase, bein' as he's doin' the carpenterin' over to Colton's, hears a lot from the servants, I s'pose likely. Leastways, if they don't tell all their bosses' affairs they're a new breed of hired help, that's all I've got to say. Cap'n Jed says Mr. Colton cal'lates you're a fool." "Yes. So I've heard. What did the Captain say to that?" "Seemed to think 'twas a pretty good joke.

"Ros," he whispered, "you're all right. Understand? I say you're all right." "Thanks," I answered, briefly. "I heard about it," he whispered. "Ase Peters said the Grand Panjandrum was cranky as a shark with the toothache all day yesterday. You must tell me the yarn when we get together. I missed you when I called just now, but I'll be down again pretty soon. You won't lose nothin' by this.

Seems's old man Lamont and his daughter was very much upset because Debby Badger and Ase Blueworthy would be turned out of house and home 'count of the place being sold. The colonel was hot foot for giving 'em a check for five hundred dollars to square things; said his daughter'd made him promise he would.

Tidditt and his companion started and looked at each other. "Godfrey scissors!" gasped Asaph. "Is that half past twelve?" Mr. Bangs pulled a big worn silver watch from his pocket and glanced at the dial. "It is!" he moaned. "As sure's you're born, it is! We've kept Ketury's dinner waitin' twenty minutes. You and me are in for it now, Ase Tidditt! Twenty minutes late! She'll skin us alive." Mr.

The third act, culminating with the drive to Soria Moria Castle and the death of Ase, is of the very quintessence of poetry, and puts Ibsen in the first rank of creators. In the fourth act, the introduction of which is abrupt and grotesque, we pass to a totally different and, I think, a lower order of imagination.

"Yes, do," urged the captain eagerly. "You'll find me here waitin'. Good news or not, do come. I I ain't said all I wanted to, myself." He returned to the sitting room. The town clerk was standing by the stove. He looked troubled. "What's the row, Ase?" asked Cy cheerily. He was overflowing with good nature. "Oh, nothin' special," replied Mr. Tidditt. "You look joyful enough for two of us.

With a fellow missionary, I went some years since to some famous hot springs at the foot of Mount Ase, the smoking crater of Kyushu. The spot itself is most charming, situated in the center of an old crater, said to be the largest in the world.

At the supper table he was as mum as a rundown clock; just set in his chair and looked at Mrs. Badger. She got nervous and fidgety after a spell, and fin'lly bu'sts out with: "What are you staring at me like that for?" Ase kind of jumped and looked surprised. "Staring?" says he. "Was I staring?" "I should think you was! Is my hair coming down, or what is it?"

'I often noticed, said he, 'when a mist id be spreadin', a little brier to look as big, you'd think, as an oak tree; an' same way, in the dimmness iv the nightfall, I often seen a man tremblin' and crassin' himself as if a sperit was before him, at the sight iv a small thorn bush, that he'd leap over with ase if the daylight and sunshine was in it.

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