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And they said one cold night Paul didn't come home at all, and Cicely and his mother wus half crazy; and they wus too proud, to the last, to tell the servants more than they could help: so, when it got to be most mornin', them two delicate women started out through the deep snow, to try to find him, tremblin' at every little heap of snow that wus tumbled up in the path in front of 'em; tremblin' and sick at heart with the agony and dread that wus rackin' their souls, as they would look over the cold fields of snow stretching on each side of the road, and thinkin' how that face would look if it wus lying there staring with lifeless eyes up towards the cold moonlight, the face they had kissed, the face they had loved, and thinkin', too, that the change that had come to it was comin' to it all the time was more cruel and hopeless than the change of death.

"'Oh, it doesn't matter, she said quick and shaky; 'it was silly of me. I only thought Well, she was tremblin' with cold or somethin', and kind of near cryin', too one of them women that wears themselves out by botherin' to be good, and if they are good, botherin' about what ought to be done next. In short, as the saying is, I forgot my part.

Macy 's you 'll be doubtin' anyhow, but this is what she says happened. The bridge is here, you know," Susan laid off the plan on her knee, "'n' the road is here. The cow was runnin' like mad along here, 'n' Mrs. Macy was white 'n' tremblin' so 't the whole bridge shook under her, right atop of it.

Her heart's warm yet, an' the truth will find its plaace theer in the Lard's awn time; but you I doubt 'tedn' in you to change." "Never, till wrong be right." "You makes me sorry for 'e, Tregenza." "Weep for yourself, Thomas Chirgwin. You'm that contented, an' the contented sawl be allus farthest from God if you awnly knawed it. Wheer's your fear an' tremblin' too?

With tremblin' fingers I onpinned the cameo pin, and with a noble jester that would have become Jeptha as he gin his only daughter for a sacrifice, I handed it out to 'em. And sez I, "If that is what you want, take it, and then bear me back safely to my beloved pardner agin." But they never touched it. They only jabbered away louder and more fierce like and yanked me along faster than ever.

If I'd bin a stone heavier, I'd have pulled that chair right over the window! "`God bless you! cried the tremblin' old man; `save my Clara! "There was no time for pretty speeches. I made fast the end of the rope to the leg of a table, made a loop on the other end, threw it over the girl, caught her round the waist an' swung her over the window.

No, the coyotes an' the mountain lions don't do it; they never chases cattle, holdin' 'em in fear an' tremblin. These mountain lions prounces down on colts like a mink on a settin' hen, but never calves or cattle. "It's after the second beef killin' when the two riders allows they'll do some night herdin' themse'fs an' see if they solves these pheenomenons that's cuttin' into the Bar-B-8.

We stood there in the dark whispering, and then Bill couldn't stand it any longer, and 'e went over on tiptoe to the bunk ag'in. He was tremblin' with excitement and I wasn't much better, when all of a sudden the cook sat up in 'is bunk with a dreadful laughing scream and called out that somebody was ticklin' 'im.

Don't ye 'member how He looked on His mother, when she stood faintin' an' tremblin' under de cross, jes' like you? He knows all about mothers' hearts; He won't break yours. It was jes' 'cause He know'd we'd come into straits like dis yer, dat he went through all dese tings, Him, de Lord o' Glory! Is dis Him you was a-talkin' about? Him you can't love? Look at Him, an' see ef you can't.

When I want to get anything done I can gen'ally spunk up sprawl enough to do it myself, thanks be!" "Wall now, Samanthy, you cheat the men-folks out of a heap o' pleasure bein' so all-fired independent, did ye know it? "'Tremblin' sinner, calm your fears! Jesus is always ready." "When 'd you see him last?" "I hain't seen him sence 'bout noon-time. Warn't he into supper?" "No.