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Updated: January 11, 2025
The kind youth, finding all hope of assistance vain, from the miserable prejudices of the people, had at last contrived to raise the still senseless Magdalena in his arms, with the intention of conveying her into his own dwelling; and already murmurs began to arise among the crowd, as if they intended to oppose his purpose; when a door, communicating from the palace-gardens with the narrow lane, opened, and the stately form of an aged man, of benevolent aspect, stood between Gottlob, who remained alone under the water-gate with the lifeless form of Magdalena on his arm, and the murmuring crowd which had drawn back into the lane.
When she came slowly back, the Swede boy was again stretched upon his stomach, and watching a hole nearer the center of the meadow. The little girl did not follow him, but stayed on the rim and pityingly viewed the limp gopher that lay, with eyes half closed, breast still, and tail thin and lifeless. "Poor fing!" she said sympathetically, "it's 'cause you stealed the corn."
Nothing would thereafter remain but a lifeless body without spirit. “And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.” “Their bodies” means the Religion of God, and “the street” means in public view.
He related how the man had run away from him, trailing the torch through the brush, and again he did not seem to notice the Judge's anger in cautioning him not to mention the fire again. At his counsel's direction, he went through a lifeless pantomime of falling upon one knee and pointing his rifle at the fleeing man. Now the man turned and faced him.
Thus she furnished the opportunity desired by Aruns, who, from a covert in which he lay concealed, hurled a dart at the queen as, heedless of danger, she rode in pursuit of Chloreus. The weapon pierced her body and she sank down lifeless. The fortune of the day now turned to the side of the Trojans. Dismayed by the loss of their brave leader Camilla, the Volscian troops fled from the field.
He abundantly appreciated this long-standing antipathy as he cast about for some common ground of interest in the little reception-room of the house shared by Bernard Graves and his mother. It seemed to the waiting caller a drab and lifeless home, uninteresting in its appointments, and out of keeping with the wealth known to have been inherited by the widow and her son.
For proceeding from him it drew after him many who had been evil-disposed; and for the odor of his ointments many followed him, so by the grace thereof the friends of the departed woman, being attracted, brought her lifeless body unto the saint, and entreated with lamentable entreaties that he would show now on her the power which erewhile he had shown on others.
"I'll see you to your car," he stammered. She turned to Burnaby. "Good night!" she said. Her voice was lifeless, disinterested; her eyes met his for an instant and were withdrawn. "Good night," he said. Mrs. Ennis stood by the door for a moment before she walked slowly back to the fireplace.
Down laid they Him limb-weary -Down laid they him limb-weary, O'er His lifeless Head then stood they O'er his lifeless head then stood they, Heavily gazing at Heaven's . . . heavily gazing at heaven's Chieftain. * Wielder, Lord, Ruler, Monarch, Hero, from Hilde the war god. Battle brave, captain * Anything strown or cast-a missile of any kind.
Should any one go against it? No; I'll not go to America; I'll stay and be your man!" His hand, which had lain lifeless in Henchard's, returned the latter's grasp. "Done," said Henchard. "Done," said Donald Farfrae. The face of Mr. Henchard beamed forth a satisfaction that was almost fierce in its strength. "Now you are my friend!" he exclaimed.
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