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Morrow, to some of the ould squires of former times for a landlord. The priests, with all their larning, were nothing to him for good breeding he appeared so free, and so much at his ase, and even so respectful, that I don't think there was one in the house but would put their two hands under his feet to do him a sarvice.

He was not looking out, because the shade was drawn. Tidditt waited anxiously for him to answer. At last he turned. "Ase," he said, "I'm much obliged to you. You've pounded it in pretty hard, but I cal'late I'd ought to have had it done to me. I'm a fool an OLD fool, just as I said a while back and nothin' nor NOBODY ought to have made me forget it. For a minute or so I but there! don't you fret.

Course she helps and stands by for orders, but Effie Taylor comes and takes the wheel while the riggin's goin' on. Effie's a dressmaker and " "There! See, Ase? It IS some good to have a married man aboard, after all. A dressmaker's what we want. I'll hunt up Effie to-morrow."

The latter looked it over, made a few comments and suggestions, and told his friend to heave ahead and land as many of the listed as possible. This Mr. Tidditt promised to do, and, replacing the papers in his pocket, started for the gate. "Oh! Say, Ase!" The town clerk, his hand on the gate latch, turned. "Well, what is it?" he asked. "Don't keep me no longer'n you can help.

Deborah, she went out into the kitchen, but she ordered Ase to stay in the dining room and set the table; told him to get the dishes out of the closet. All the time he was doing it he kept thinking about the mistake he'd made, and wondering if there wa'n't some way to square up and get solid with the widow.

Bailey's a good-hearted chap." "Humph! his heart may be good, but his head's goin' to seed. I'll keep quiet if 'twill please you, though." "Yes. And, see here, Ase! I don't care to be the laughin' stock of Bayport. If any of the folks ask you how I like my new housekeeper, you tell 'em there's nothin' like her anywhere. That's no lie." So Mrs.

"I just met Squire Foster," he says, "and the squire tells me that that Lamont girl come into his office with the bill of sale for the property you sold her and made him deed it right over to Ase Blueworthy, as a present from her." "WHAT?" says all hands, Poundberry loudest of all. "That's right," said Darius.

Connell; I comprehend wid the greatest ase in life, the very plan for it. We must reduce the oath to Geography, for I'm at home there, bein' a Surveyor myself. I'll lay down a map o' the parish, an' draw the houses of your friends at their proper places, so that you'll never be out o' your latitude at all."

You'll be another what's-his-name Ase Tidditt; that's what you'll be. I can see it coming on. You're ossifying; you're narrowing; you're " I broke in here. I didn't like to be called narrow and I did not like to be paired with Asaph Tidditt, although our venerable town clerk is a good citizen and all right, in his way. But I had flattered myself that way was not mine. "Stop it, Jim!" I ordered.

"Yes, there has," was the decided answer. "First Ase Tidditt, and then Bailey Bangs, and then that that Angie Phinney." "Humph!" mused Captain Cy slowly. "So Angie was here, was she? Where the carcass is the vultures are on deck, or words similar. Humph! Did our Angelic friend have much to say?" "DID she? And I had somethin' to say, too! I never in my life!" "Humph!" Her employer eyed her sharply.