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Only, unless you want to be lonesome, you'll have to change your name to Kelly. "'If I'd only got his middle letter, says he, mournful, ''twould have been easier. He had four middle names, if I remember right the old man was great on names and 'twas too much trouble to write 'em all down. Well, I've done my duty, anyhow. We'll go and call on Ase Baker.

O'Shaughnessy has every other portion of the dinner ready, I move that we commence operations as soon as possible." "But Denis, Docthor? it would be a pleasure to me to have him, poor fellow, wid all his throuble over, and his mind at ase; maybe if we wait a weeshy while longer, Docthor, that he'll come, and you know Father Molony too is to come yet, and some more of our friends."

"Ase," he said, "this er gentleman and I have got some business to talk over. I know you're good enough friends of mine not to mind if I ask you to clear out. You'll understand. You WILL understand, boys, won't you?" he added, almost entreatingly. "Sartin sure!" replied Mr. Tidditt, rising hurriedly. "Don't say another word, Whit." And the mystified Bangs concurred with a "Yes, yes!

Keturah got together a half dozen numbers of the Home Dressmaker and other periodicals of a similar nature. The captain took them under his arm and departed, whispering to Mr. Tidditt, as he passed the latter in the hall: "Come up by and by, Ase. I want to talk to you. Bring Bailey along, if you can do it without startin' divorce proceedings."

The answer to this letter pleased him and he wrote again. One afternoon, during the third week of Mrs. Beasley's stay, Asaph called and found Captain Cy in the sitting room, reading the Breeze. The captain urged his friend to remain and have supper. "We've run out of beans, Ase," he explained, "and are just startin' in on a course of boiled cod.

Phoebe Dawes had been called, by a vote of two to one, to teach the downstairs school. Asaph, aghast, rushed out of Simmons's store and up to the hill to the Cy Whittaker place. He found Captain Cy in the front yard. Mr. Myrick, school committeeman and house painter, was with him. "Hello, Ase!" hailed the captain. "What's the matter? Hasn't the tide come in this mornin'?"

No human noise in my experience come within a mile of it for dead, downright misery unless, maybe, it's Cap'n Jonadab trying to sing in meeting Sundays. "Who's that?" wails Ase from 'tother side of the door. "Did anybody knock?" "Knock!" says I. "I all but kicked your everlasting derelict out of water. It's me, Wingate one of the selectmen. Tumble up, there! I want to talk to you."

"Angie!" sniffed Mr. Tidditt. "Stop your jokin', Bailey. This is a serious matter." "I wan't jokin'. What " "There! there! boys," interrupted the captain; "don't fight. Bailey didn't mean to joke, Ase; he's full of what the papers call 'unconscious humor. I'll give in that Angie is about as serious a matter as I can think of without settin' down to rest.

The squire tried to tell her what a no-good Ase was, but she froze him quicker'n Where you going, Cap'n Benije?" "I'm going down to that poorhouse," hollers Poundberry. "I'll find out the rights and wrongs of this thing mighty quick." We all said we'd go with him, and we went, six in one carryall. As we hove in sight of the poorhouse a buggy drove away from it, going in t'other direction.

"Tell you the truth, Ase, I was up to the store, and Cap'n Josiah Dimick and some more of 'em drifted in and we got talkin' about the chances of the harbor appropriation, and one thing or 'nother, and 'twas later'n I thought 'twas 'fore I knew it." The appropriation from the government, which was to deepen and widen our harbor here at Bayport, was a very vital topic among us just then.