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Updated: July 31, 2024

And she wanted papa to see 'em, too, so Ase led the way, like the talking man in the dime museum. And the way them Lamonts agonized over every rag mat, and corded bedstead was something past belief.

"You see, my lord," he concluded by saying, "it'd be a great thing to be shut of Barry entirely out of the counthry, and to have poor Anty's mind at ase about it, should she iver live to get betther; but thin, I don't like to have dailings with the divil, or any one so much of his colour as Barry Lynch." "This is a very grave matter, Martin, and takes some little time to think about.

Nobody could help hearing him, unless they was deefer than the feller that fell out of the balloon and couldn't hear himself strike, so all hands agreed that sending Asaph Blueworthy to the poorhouse would be a good thing. 'Twould be a lesson to Ase, and would give the poorhouse one more excuse for being on earth.

I've not had one moment's ase since I said I would; it's been on my heart like lead all the morning; indeed, indeed, Father John, I'll niver go there."

"Ase," he observed irrelevantly when the five Tidditt, Georgianna, Bailey, Bos'n, and himself were at last alone again in the sitting room, "it DON'T pay to tip over a monument, does it not out in public, I mean. You wouldn't want to see me blow up Bunker Hill, would you?" "Blow up Bunker Hill!" repeated Asaph in alarmed amazement. "Godfrey scissors! I believe you're goin' loony.

A lord looks like Ase Tidditt, and champagne tastes like vinegar and soda. Tut! tut! tut! if I had to drink that sour stuff all my life I'd probably look like Asaph, too. No wonder that Erkskine man is such a shriveled-up thing." I glanced toward the captain's table. Mr. Heathcroft raised his glass. I bowed and raised mine.

"No!" was the answer, almost fierce in its utterance. "She isn't sick. Don't be a fool." "What's foolish about that? I didn't know but she might be. There's mumps in town and " "She's all right; so shut up, will you! There, Ase!" he added. "I'm the fool myself. Don't mind my barkin'; I don't mean it. I am about sick, I cal'late. Be better to-morrer, maybe." "What's got into you?

Now if a real good nice woman a nice LOOKIN' woman, say was to keep house for him it it " "Well?" "Well, I mean that is, don't you s'pose if some such woman as that was to be found for the job he might in time come to like her and and er " "Ase Tidditt, what are you drivin' at?" "Why, I mean he might come to marry her; there! Then he'd be contented to settle down to home and stay put.

Why, Hosy, he's the livin' image of Asaph Tidditt back in Bayport. If Ase could afford clothes like that he might be his twin brother. Well! I guess that's enough. I don't want to see that Princess any more. Just as like as not she'd look like Susanna Wixon." Her criticisms were not confined to passengers of other nationalities. Some of our own came in for comment quite as severe.

And when he quit he went off toward home, slappin' his fists together and actin' as if he didn't see the road across his bows. Now, you know how cool and easy goin' Whit generally is. I swan to man, Ase! he made me so sorry for him I didn't know what to do." "Ain't you been up to see him sence?"

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