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"I dreffle glad we come an' 'top out all night," he said, showing his white teeth. "Mass' George, go an' shoot more duck, an' Pomp cook um." "We haven't finished that one," I said. "No, Mass' George, no hab finish dat oder duck." "Well, go on; I've had quite enough." "Pomp had quite nuff too." "Then we'll wrap it up in the napkin, and we'll eat it by and by for lunch."

Marster en Missis treatus all dere slaves kindly en plenty ter eat en eve'y one wuz happy. I dunno nuthin 'bout mah daddy er whar he went. I hab no kin in dis worl'. All I eber yeard wuz dat all mah folks kum fum Africa. Mah Missis would tell me dat I mus' be good en mine en eberbody will lak' you en ef she d'ed, dey would tek keer ob me. Dat ez w'at dey hab don."

He had lately made a proposal to give the gang four dollars per acre for holding a certain field. They asked a little time to consider upon so novel a proposition. He gave them half a day, and at the end of that time asked them what their conclusion was. One, acting as spokesman for the rest, said, "We rada hab de shilling wages."

"No," replied Jack, laughing, "I'm afraid that he would like to have his skull as well as you, Mesty but at all events we must try and forgive those who injure us." "Then, Massa Easy, I tink so too too much revenge very bad it very easy to hate, but not very easy to forgive so I tink that if a man forgive, he hab more soul in him, he more of a man."

"Place one man on guard at the door and another behind," he said to the sergeant. "Let the other two relieve them, and change the watch once an hour." The sergeant saluted. "De men hab been on duty since daylight, sah, and none of us hab had anything to eat." "Oh, I forgot that," the officer replied. "Very well, I will send another party to relieve you at once."

He looked at Holton with but thinly veiled contempt. "Plenty men 'u'd risk deir wuthless lives to drug huh." "Oh, shucks!" said Holton, trying to control his temper because of his great eagerness to get in to the mare. "She would be safe with me; you know it." "I knows Marse Frank hab barred ebery window an' sealed ebery doah but dis one, an' gib me ohduhs to let no one in 'cept he is by.

Then came a confession, in this precise form, with many dignified gesticulations: "Cappen! I took dat gun, and I put bun in Cappen tent. Den I look, and de gun not dar! Den Conscience say, Cappen mus' hab gib dat gun to somebody else for clean. Den I say, Conscience, you reason correck." Compare Lancelot Gobbo's soliloquy in the "Two Gentlemen of Verona"!

Then Mr. Sambo Ebony slouched on to the scene. "Hullo, Tar!" was the ex-foreman's careless greeting. "Now, doan' get too prescrumptious wid me," warned the black man, with an evil grin that displayed his big, white teeth. "Yo' an' me hab done been good frien's, an' pulled togedder. But Ah want yo' to undahstan', Mr. White Man, dat I doan' allow yo' to call me Tar Baby."

Then nothing would have happened, and I could have gone back!" Hagar came in, saying, "Ye'll hab yer supper here, in de kitchen, Mas'r Noll, 'cause it's warmer fur ye dan in de dinin'-room. Ye won't mind Hagar's ole kitchen jes' fur once, honey?" "No," said Noll, sadly, "I won't mind at all, Hagar, and I'm not hungry much." Trafford went out to change his own wet clothing.

How could that do him any good?" Sally looked at her friend with an air of pity. "Didn't you say he was awrful t'in?" she asked. "Thin? Oh yes dreadfully thin." "Well, den, isn't dat 'cause he not hab 'nuff to eat? I knows it, bress you! I's bin wid a missis as starved me. Sometimes I t'ink I could eat my shoes.