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I had scarcely thought about my foot during my ride, but when I was cast loose and attempted to move by myself, I found that I could not stand, and presently sank to the ground. Mike, on finding himself at liberty, hurried to my assistance, and, taking off my shoe, examined my ankle. "It's a bad sprain," he observed; "but maybe these rid gintlemen will just let me get some cowld wather.

"'Well, says the sperit, 'although I was as sober as most men at laste as most gintlemen' says he; 'an' though I was at different pariods a most extempory Christian, and most charitable and inhuman to the poor, says he; 'for all that I'm not as asy where I am now, says he, 'as I had a right to expect, says he.

They niver were nearer, the one to the tother, than that, for the whole of the ixpidition. And scarcely one word did Mr. Andrew utter on the whole ov that bloody passage." "Say nothing, for the present, about any conversations," commanded Duff Salter, "but go on with the occurrences briefly." "I had been a very little while, ye must understand me, gintlemen, in the imploy of thim two partners.

There's been gintlemen here before to-day, and they must have had some way of coming and going that we haven't diskivered as yet." There seemed nothing unlikely in this supposition of Mickey's, who picked up his rifle from where he had left it lying on the ground, and stared inquiringly around in the gloom. "I wonder whether there be any wild animals prowling around?"

Mac Fane returned; and, being introduced to my brother and Frank, another conversation very similar to the former ensued. The man began. Your servant, gintlemen. I told you last night, Captain, that I would give you a call this morning: and as it is an affair in which your honour is concerned, why I was determined to be very punctual.

'Most exthraordinary rezemblance, he kept sayin'. An' thin he dug into his vest fer a pocket-book, an' out of that he took a locket. He looked at it thin at the little gurl who looked so sad. Roight off he turned the color of a sheet. 'Gintlemen, look! he sez. They all looked, an' shure wuz sthruck with somethin'. "'Gintlemen, sez Lee, 'me wife left me years ago ran off West wid a gambler.

But, changin' the subject of my few small remarks here, and thankin' yez wid an overflowin' heart but a dhry tongue, I have the honor to propose, gintlemen, long life and health to ivery mother's son o' yez, and success to the 'Duck-hunters of Kankakee. "

"Throth then, gintlemen," he replied, "since you must have the truth, and although maybe what I'm goin' to say won't be plaisin' to you, as Sir Robert's friends, I must come out wid it; devil resave the color of his money ever I seen yet, and it isn't but I often axed him for it. No but the sarvints often sind me up a bit from the kitchen below."

'Twas gran'. Th' editor, it seems, Hinnissy, wint into th' editoryal rooms iv th' pa-aper an' he gathered th' force around him fr'm their reg'lar jobs in th' dhrug stores, an' says he, 'Gintlemen, he says, 'tell me ye'er plans f'r to enoble this here Christyan publication f'r to-day! he says.

"Well, sir, 'twas up to Kruger an' he knocked th' ashes out iv his pipe on his vest an' says he, 'Gintlemen, he says, 'I wud like to do me best to accomydate ye, he says. 'Nawthin' short iv a severe attack iv sickness wud plaze me so much as to see long lines iv Englishmen marchin' up to th' polls an' depositin' their ballots again' me f'r prisidint, he says.