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But Sir Asinus, disregarding these strictures, began to sing the chorus: "Hez, Sire Asne, car chantez, Belle bouche rechignez; Vous aurez du foin assez, Et de l'avoine a plantez." "Good," said Jacques; "that signifies: Strike up, Sir Asinus, With your braying mouth; Never fear for hay, The crop of oats is ample.

Assez!" she whispered excitedly. "Make prisoner any man you see there! any man! You understand?" "You bet!" "Any man!" she repeated slowly, "even if he wears the same uniform you wear." There was a silence. Then: "By God!" said Glenn under his breath. "You suspect?" "Yes. And if it is one of our German-American muleteers, we’ll lynch him!" he whispered in a white rage.

Me de Bouflers told me que je m etois menage une tres jolie retraite, and indeed at this time it is particularly comfortable to me, and the circumstance of Caroline having a house so near is not by any means the least of its agremens. . . . Monday. Yesterday was a fine day, but neither news or event; on the Thames une bourgeoisie assez nombreuse, and in the Gardens.

In order that a sixty-year-old lover should appear neither ridiculous nor odious you must apply to him what the elder Corneille so proudly said of himself in his lines to the marquise: "'Cependant, j'ai quelques charmes Qui sont assez eclatants Pour n'avoir pas trop d'alarmes De ces ravages du temps. "Have the courage to analyze great emotions to create characters who shall be lofty and true.

"Un tel qu'on vantait Par hasard etait D'origine assez mince; Par hasard il plut, Par hasard il fut Baron, ministre, et prince." Captain Clubbe's harsh voice broke into the song with the order to let go the anchor. As the ship swung to the tide the steersman, who wore neither coat nor waistcoat, could be seen idly handling the wheel still, though his duties were necessarily at an end.

Cependant il passe pour ne point aimer la guerre, et cette inculpation me paroît assez fondée. En effet il a jusqu'

He soon discovered what Joseph might have known from the first, had he not lived solely in the moment, like most other chauffeurs. The village forge was not assez bien outillée for a finished lever to be produced; the Prince's car must remain a derelict, unless we towed it into port.

"You will have to take this," said the Princess, giving me a letter so that she wouldn't touch my hand, "and be sure they don't catch you with the letter. Be careful, don't drink, Alexei. It's bad to drink; when you come back we'll give you 500 rubles." "Je le tolère pas," she said to the Prince, "il a l'air si commun! Il nous vendrait tous, s'il etait assez intelligent!"

The Captain, after looking at him with a surprise not wholly unmixt with horror, turned from him without making any answer, and said to Cecilia, "And how long, ma'am, have you tried this petrifying place?" "An hour, two hours, I believe," she answered. "Really? and nobody here! assez de monde, but nobody here! a blank partout!"

But assez d'Etrangers! It's all a jumble of smells. Then Dinky-Dunk got the wire saying he might lose his chance on the Stuart Ranch, if he didn't close before the Calgary interests got hold of it. And Dinky-Dunk wanted that ranch. So we talked it over and in five minutes had given up the idea of going down to Aiken and were telephoning for the stateroom on the Montreal Express.