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The Legislature of 1913 passed by a large majority in both Houses another referendum bill introduced by Senator Robert Glenn but it was vetoed by Governor McGovern on the ground that the voters should not be asked so soon to pass upon a measure which they had just defeated.

Then why did you not answer my questions?" asked Roughgrove, turning to the captive. The young chief made no answer, but sat with his arms folded, and still regarding the features of Mary. "He's a perfect fool!" said Sneak. "He's a snake in the grass, and'll bite some of us some of these times, before we know any thing about it," said Joe. "Be silent," said Glenn.

"Were you spying upon me, you mean thing?" cried Dorothy Glenn, blushing as fiery red as the crimson heart of a peony, and stamping angrily the tiniest of little feet; and she flung her companion's arm from her as though it had stung her. "Can't you tell me?" pleaded Jessie, earnestly. "Remember, you have no one to warn you.

Riding fast with Glenn was something Carley had only of late added to her achievements. She had greatest pride in it. So she urged her mustang to keep pace with Glenn's horse and gave herself up to the thrill of the motion and feel of wind and sense of flying along. At a good swinging lope Calico covered ground swiftly and did not tire.

The gentle undulations of the prairie resembled the boundless ocean entranced, as if the long swells had been suddenly abandoned by the wind, and yet remained stationary in their rolling attitude. "What think you of the view, Joe?" inquired Glenn, after regarding the scene many minutes in silence.

Force shot an unmistakable look of alarm at the newspaper man who stood in the doorway, staring out into the hall. "Do you know the mother's name, Bingle?" he inquired. His voice sounded so strange and unnatural that his wife glanced at him sharply. "Yes. I know her real name. On the records at the hospital she was known as Mrs. Hinman. But, you see, she wasn't married. Her name was Glenn."

For Carley admitted to herself that there was something amiss, something incomprehensible, something intangible that obtruded its menace into her dream of future happiness. Still, what had she to fear, so long as she could be with Glenn?

The boys felt that he was not one of them, and they had a suspicion that he felt above them. "Get on to de dude!" remarked one boy, who was loosely attired in a ragged shirt and tattered trousers. "He means me, Mike," said Rodney with a smile. "I say, Patsy Glenn, what do you mean by callin' me friend Rodney a dude?" demanded Mike angrily. "Coz he's got a dandy suit on." "What if he has?

Mack knew me as a young girl," Mrs. Glenn remarked, "and I am quite curious to see whether she will recognize me." At that instant the door was opened in answer to their ring, and they were invited to enter and walk into the parlor. They found it comfortably furnished and neat as wax. Seating themselves they waited patiently for some moments the coming of the lady of the house.

It may be my years, but I just despise a horse that's always dancing a jig when I want to mount him." Glenn Gallup's people lived in Victoria County, about as far from Las Palomas as mine, and the next morning we set out down the river.