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"We shall have to be married very soon, now, you know," he said gayly. "Aunt Mary won’t be able to wait." "Oh, as to thatwe’ll see," said Mrs. Rosscott, and laughed afresh. "But there is one thing that must be done at once." "What’s that?" Jack asked. "We must tell Aunt Mary who I am." "Oh, to be sure," said the young man.

Then they all proceeded above and bought a table and turned their chairs to the stage, where the attraction just at that moment was a quartette of pretty girls. "I’ll tell you what we’ll do," said Burnett the instant the girls began to sing. "Let’s each tie a card to a mouse and present them to the girls!" The suggestion found favor and was followed out to the letter.

The fuel ignited about a half inch in front of the nozzle. The nozzle had two holes in it, one for oxygen and the other for fuel. The holes were placed and angled to keep the flame always a half inch away, otherwise the nozzle itself would melt. "How do we work this?" Kemp asked. "We’ll get ahead of the others," Rip explained. "Keep up speed until we’re running at the forward sun line.

"We’ll get underground as far away from the bomb as we can," Rip said. He surveyed the dark side, which was rapidly growing less dark. "I think the second crater will do. Kemp can square it off on the side toward the blast to give us a vertical wall to hide behind." Koa looked doubtful. "Plenty of radiation left in those holes, sir." Rip grinned mirthlessly.

We’ll drop you and get out of here. But don’t worry. We have your orbit fixed and we’ll find you when the screens are clear." "Suppose they find us while you’re gone?" Rip asked. "It’s a chance," O’Brine admitted. "You’ll have to take spaceman’s luck on that one. But we won’t be far away. We’ll duck behind Vesta or another of the big asteroids and hide so their screens won’t pick up our motion.

We’ll put a carpet on it if you think it’s too cold, Granny,” Billy suggested immediately. “Oh, lave it be, Misther Billy,” Granny begged. “’Tis loike me ould home in Oireland. Sure ’tis homesick Oi am this very minut looking at ut.” “All right,” Billy agreed cheerfully. “What you say goes, Granny. Now upstairs to the sleeping-rooms.”

That’s how we’ll go.’ He was enchanted at that, most of all at the thought of having a horse and driving him. For of course a Russian boy is born among horses. We chattered a long while. Thank God, I thought, I have diverted his mind and comforted him. “That was the day before yesterday, in the evening, but last night everything was changed.

"Cut a plug and fit this into it. Then cut a second plug for the other piece. They have to match perfectly, and you can’t put them together to try out the fit. If you do, we’ll have fission right here in the open." Kemp searched and found a piece he had cut in making the tube. It was perfectly round, ideal for the purpose.

The blast we’re saving to push back to safety is about three kilotons. Let us know the last moment when we can fire and still get free of Sol’s gravity." "You’ll have it within fifteen minutes. Anything else, Foster?" "Nothing else I can think of, sir." "Then good luck. We’ll be standing by." "Yes, sir. Foster off."

We’ll lose a little after we pass the sun, but by then we’ll be almost home." It was just space luck that Terra was on the other side of the sun from the asteroid’s present position. By the time they approached, it would be in a good place, just far enough from the line to the sun to avoid changing course.