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It is interesting to observe that the carbonic acid gas which animals exhale supports the life of plants, and that the plants, under the influence of sunlight, give back pure oxygen to the atmosphere. Obviously, the complementary relation exhibited here is of mutual benefit. The average person uses about four bushels of air a minute.

We do not find that iron is sometimes fluid and sometimes solid at the same temperature; gold sometimes malleable and sometimes brittle; that hydrogen will sometimes combine with oxygen and sometimes not; or the like. If from simple substances we pass to any of their definite compounds, as water, lime, or sulphuric acid, there is the same constancy in their properties.

It does not give the whole event, but omits an essential part of it, and now we write it: 2H + O = 2H O + 293,000 J., which means: The matter and energy of 2 gram molecules of hydrogen, and the matter and energy of 1 gram molecule of oxygen, combine to the matter and energy of 2 gram molecules of water vapor and 293,000 joules, or units, of free energy.

She called everybody "dear;" she knew to a nicety how much oxygen she wanted in the composition of her native air; and alas, poor wretch! she had never wetted her shoes or dirtied her face since the day when she was born. "Dear Miss Minerva," said Maria, "the pastry-cook's name was Timbal. We have had ices." His mind being now set at rest on the subject of the pastry-cook, Mr.

But the trapper did not answer. He got out the retort, and in five minutes the oxygen was bubbling furiously through the wash bottle into the India-rubber receiver. Edwards stood at the window scanning the road toward Gager's with his telescope until it grew dark, which in that latitude was at about ten o'clock.

Like a tide from the plains of innocent heaven through the sultry passionate air of the world, came the coolness to his brow and heart. Oxygen, ozone, nitrogen, water, carbonic acid, is it? Doubtless and other things, perhaps, which chemistry cannot detect.

Very serious consequences would attend an immoderate supply of oxygen No, we can't manufacture nitrogen, which is so absolutely necessary for our air and which might escape readily through the open windows." "What! the few seconds we should require for flinging out poor Satellite?" "A very few seconds indeed they should be," said Barbican, very gravely. "Your second reason?" asked Ardan.

Accordingly the nature of kerosene and the way it illuminates is a profitable subject of study if we would prevent destructive fires. Really, we do not burn the oil, but the gas that arises from the oil when liberated by the burning wick and becomes incandescent when fed by the oxygen of the air.

They perform the most important functions in the economy; they absorb, in great part, the oxygen which we inhale in breathing, and carry it to the extreme tissues of the body; they absorb, in great part, the carbonic acid gas which is produced in the combustion of the body in the extreme tissues, and bring that gas back to the lungs to be exchanged for oxygen there; in short, they are the vital instruments of the circulation.

Being continually surrounded by an atmosphere containing free oxygen, the body depends upon this as a constant source of supply, and does not store it up. Food, on the other hand, is taken in excess of the body’s needs and stored in the various tissues, the supply being sufficient to last for several days. When the supply of either oxygen or food is exhausted in the body, life must cease.

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