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Je crois la publication de ce livre si essentielle a mon avenir, comme soutien de ma reputation, que j'aurais ete vraiment desole de ne pas pouvoir le faire maintenant. Ayant tout le materiel dans ma tete, je ferai l'ouvrage tres vite, et je suis convaincu qu'il sera bon et tout-a-fait nouveau.

It would be quite coquettish ca serait tout-a-fait coquet. And he looked about him as though the improvements were already made. It was plainly not the first time that he had thus beautified his cabin in imagination; and when next he makes a bit, I should expect to see the writing-table in the middle. Madame had three birds in a cage. They were no great thing, she explained.

There were some men who wept; and many women who exclaimed, "Charmant! Tout-a-fait charmant!" but who did not weep. Jasmin next recited Ma Bigno, which has been already described.

Autrefois je passais des journees, des semaines, des mois entiers a ecrire, et pas tout-a-fait sans fruit, puisque Southey et Coleridge, deux de nos meilleurs auteurs, a qui j'ai envoye certains manuscrits, en ont bien voulu temoigner leur approbation; mais a present, j'ai la vue trop faible; si j'ecrivais beaueoup je deviendrais aveugle.

"You shall hear, ma'am, the story is a very short one: It is now about eight years ago, I was rambling through the south of France, and had just reached Lyons, where the confounded pavement, that sticks up like pears, with the point upwards, had compelled me to rest some days and recruit; for this purpose I installed myself in the pension of Madame Gourgead, Rue de Petits Carmes, a quiet house where we dined at twelve, ten in number, upon about two pounds of stewed beef, with garlic and carrots a light soup, being the water which accompanied the same to render it tender in stewing some preserved cherries, and an omelette, with a pint bottle of Beaune, 6me qualite, I believe a species of pyroligneous wine made from the vine stalks, but pleasant in summer with your salad; then we played dominos in the evening, or whist for sous points, leading altogether a very quiet and virtuous existence, or as Madame herself expressed it, 'une vie tout-a-fait patriarchale; of this I cannot myself affirm how far she was right in supposing the patriarchs did exactly like us.

The following passage is extracted from a letter written a few days after those already given: "J'ai dine chez Woolner hier. Quel brave garcon! Ses manieres avec moi sont tout-a-fait affectueuses, et je me sens avec lui sur le pied de la plus parfaite intimite. Il n'y a pas un homme a Londres qui possede un cercle d'amis comme le sien: tout ce qu'il y a de plus distingue en tout.

"Moreover, it was ten years that I had lived with Rosalie, uninterruptedly.... Cela devenait tout-a-fait scandaleux, Mademoiselle.... I no longer dared show myself among my comrades." I felt quite sorry for the poor old fellow, a humble slave to duty, which he performed with evident disgust, but the most heroic determination. Giannoli, when seen apart from Gnecco, was a tall man.

The following letter was written on his first journey to London for the "Saturday Review ": "CHERE PETITE FEMME, Me voici installe dans un fort joli appartement tout pres de chez Mr. Mackay, a une guinee par semaine; j'y suis tout-a-fait bien. "Samedi dernier je suis alle d'abord chez Mr.

But Matthieu, who was straining his ears to catch the slightest sound downstairs, asked him to proceed with his news. "Oh, mais vous saves, mademoiselle, votre pays est tout-a-fait epatant," he began, turning to me.

"Je suis retourne chez Seeley ou on m'a traite d'une facon tout-a-fait delicate; le Professeur est un des hommes les plus sympathiques que j'aie rencontres. Je t'en parlerai plus longuement de vive voix, et quant a son frere Richmond je n'ai jamais connu quelqu'un avec qui je m'entende aussi facilement.