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So if he don't turn up by de time ve finish breakfast I hitch up dem togs an' take you dere real qvick. Mebbe he can't come for you, some vay. Mebbe Maigan hurt or sick so he can't pull toboggan. You vant to go, no?" "I I suppose so," faltered the girl. "I I must see him, as soon as possible, and and...." "Dat's all right," interrupted Stefan. "So long you vants to go I take you up dere.

"Ver 'appy to see de lady," declared Mrs. Papineau, heartily. "Tak' off you coat, Monsieur Hugo, an' sit here by de fire. Hey! Baptiste, you bring more big piece of birch. Colette, put kettle on for bile water qvick. Tak' dis seat, lady. I pull off dem blanket. You no need dem more. Turriple cole now.

The man-servant gave a signal which the driver perfectly understood, for the vehicle went off like an arrow. The old banker was fearfully agitated; the blood left his feet cold and carried fire to his brain, his head sent the flame back to his heart; he was chocking. The unhappy man foresaw a fit of indigestion, but in spite of that supreme terror he stood up. "Follow qvick, fery qvick.

I gif you all yoost tree minutes ter get started. Den if any man he ain't aboard dat sleigh I yoost vipes up de ground vit him a bit. If you knows vhat is good for ye, den make tracks, qvick. I ban gettin' hurry mineself, eh!" "But what right have you to be ordering us about?" shouted Aleck Mclntosh, imprudently. "My frient, you's knowed as de laziest man in Carcajou and some say in Ontario.

"Ay bane get there pooty qvick, Your Lordship," said that Norwegian worthy, as he whipped up the horses, and in five minutes' time we had dashed up to a large and imposing stone castle with round towers at each corner, apparently about five hundred years old and five stories high, surrounded by an extensive garden and park, with a small woods in the rear: just the kind you read about, with green gobs of ivy hanging down over the gray walls.

"V'ich means as I'm vanted, ah! and vanted precious qvick too," saying which, Mr. Shrig caught up his "castor," seized the nobbly stick, crossed to the door, and came back again. "Dick," said he, "I'll get you to look after my little reader for me, I ain't a-going to risk losing it again." "Right you are, Jarsper," nodded the Corporal. "And sir," continued Mr.

The prisoner made a gesture of despair. "It vos so dark, I say! Nothing haf I seen! I haf heard only his step!" "What sort of step? Was it heavy or light or what? Did this person seem in a hurry?" "A little light tread... so! won, two! won, two!, and qvick like 'e think 'e sneak opstairs vithout nobody seeing!" "Did he make much noise"

"If dey's qviet un' reasonable I don't 'urt nobotty but yoost tell 'em git out of here, tarn qvick," he projected. "But if dem mens is up to anything rough I hope dey says dere prayers alretty, because I yoost bust 'em all up, you bet." The team was pulling hard, the breaths coming out in swift little puffs from their nostrils.

Ruth explained to the big-hearted German widow how they came to be struggling in the storm at such an hour. "Undt dot boy iss vet? Ach! Ledt him his feet dake off qvick! Maria! make de chocolate hot. Undt de poy ach! I haf somedings py mine closet in, for him."

I tank he come soon. Come inside de vaiting-room or you freeze qvick. Ain't you got skins to put on?" She shook her head and he grasped her bag with one hand and one of her elbows with the other and hurried her into the little station. Joe Follansbee had a redhot fire going in the stove, whose top was glowing.