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Vet. x. 14. 15. Suppl. 1, cf. 478 Ζεὺς ἱκτήρ. Rise of the Greek Epic , p. 275 n. Adjectival phrases like Ζεὺς Ἱκεσιος, Ἱκετήςιος, Ἱκταῖος are common and call for no remark. Also Dieterich, Muttererde, esp. pp. 37-58. See p. 52. Since the above, Rivers, Social Organization, 1924. Dr. Rivers on mate, 'Primitive Conception of Death', Hibbert Journal, January 1912, p. 393.

The Vet. said he would come this morning at ten o'clock, and it quite spoilt my breakfast, for dear Rover sat beside me and begged, and I felt like an executioner; and then he went out for a walk by himself a thing he hadn't done since he had become frail and when the Vet. came there was no Rover." "Dear, dear!" said Mr. Jackson, helping himself to an entrée.

Like or dislike, he does not care a jot; He wants your vote, but your affections not; Vet human hearts need sun as well as oats So cold a climate plays the deuce with votes." It must be admitted that in some of the small social arts which are so valuable an equipment for a political leader Lord John was funnily deficient.

He then raised himself from the earth with a light and elastic vet firm movement, and resumed the place he had previously occupied, where, to his surprise, he beheld a second victim bound, and, apparently, devoted to the same death.

They chose men of consular dignity: so the law that was passed for the election of a dictator ordained. For this reason, I am more inclined to believe that Larcius, who was of consular rank, was attached to the consuls as their director and superior, rather than Manius Valerius, the son of Marcus and grandson of Volesus, who had not vet been consul.

He wore a black, broad-brimmed sombrero, girdled by a thick band of gold bullion. A pair of tags of the same material stuck out from the sides: the fashion of the country. The man kept his sombrero slouched towards the light, as I thought or suspected, for the concealment of his face. And vet it was not an ill-favoured one.

The dogs were always in the party, talked to, caressed, or scolded exactly like spoiled children; and the cat of the house was almost equally dear. Once, at Harrow, the then ruling cat a tom broke his leg, and the house was in lamentation. The vet was called in, and hurt him horribly. Then Uncle Matt ran up to town, met Professor Huxley at the Athenaeum, and anxiously consulted him.

"Have you, then," I inquired in insinuating accents, "become a dash-binged vet?" "A man can't be a brute, can he!" he retorted angrily. "When that animated mop put up his paws and stuck his tongue out like a child " "I know," I said. "You took on a new patient. Probably gratis," I added, with malice, for this was one of the Little Red Doctor's notoriously weak points.

"Good-morning," says he, nodding affably enough; and then, "You are Lionel Britten, I suppose?" "Yes," says I for no road mechanic who respects himself is going to "sir" such as Benny Colmacher to begin with "that's my name, though my friends call me Lal for short. You're wanting a driver, I hear." He sat himself in a great armchair and looked me up and down as a vet looks at a horse.

The man shrank back involuntarily from Brandon's vindictive forehead and kindled eyes; but with the cunning peculiar to low vice, answered, though in a humbler tone, "And vet good vill that do your 'oner? If so be as how you scrags I, will that put your vorship in the vay of finding he?"