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Many times near midnight I have stood outside the cheap butchers' and watched careful women make their purchases. It is a pitiful sight, and when one by one the women have made their bargains, we notice that the shopboard is depleted of its heap of scrags and odds and ends. So day by day Mrs. Jones feeds her family, limiting her expenditure to her purse.

The butcher and the porkman painted up, only the leanest scrags of meat; the baker, the coarsest of meagre loaves. The people rudely pictured as drinking in the wine-shops, croaked over their scanty measures of thin wine and beer, and were gloweringly confidential together.

At the farther end they found all ready; tight cottages, tillable fields, all implements furnished, and stock, even to "FEDERVIEH," or Chanticleer with a modicum of Hens. Old neighbors, and such as liked each other, were put together: fields grew green again, desolate scrubs and scrags yielding to grass and corn.

"As 'e been calling you names?" "Simply ran into his pails as anyone might," said Mr. Polly, "and out he comes and scrags me!" Rusper. "He assaulted me," said Mr. Polly. Rusper. "That assault? Or isn't it?" "You better drop it," said Mr. Hinks. "Great pity they can't be'ave better, both of 'em," said Mr. Chuffles, glad for once to find himself morally unassailable. "Anyone see it begin?" said Mr.

It's all very well, Babe, but you can't get away from it. Prescott tackles fairly and the Bargee scrags. 'Yes, said MacArthur, 'I suppose you're right. 'Rather, said Charteris. 'I wish I'd broken his neck. 'By the way, said Welch, 'you were talking to him after the match. What was he saying? Charteris laughed.

Unquestionably there were but few things to put away, if there had been one; but, however few in number, or small in individual amount, still, remnants of loaves and pieces of cheese, and damp towels, and scrags of meat, and articles of wearing apparel, and mutilated crockery, and bellows without nozzles, and toasting-forks without prongs, do present somewhat of an uncomfortable appearance when they are scattered about the floor of a small apartment, which is the common sitting and sleeping room of three idle men.

I told him I was after a few scrags, for the purpose of raising a gang; and taking the bush agin; and he thinks it's so, and promised to help me. I 'opes I don't forfeit your confidence by being compelled to tell a lie. It goes agin me, you know."

Scrags, Lady Trant's woman, and both the Lady Arlingtons' maids, can vouch for the truth of it. I did not make a penny, but lost, ma'am, last year, by you and Miss Bell; that is, not by you nor Miss Bell, but by all I bought, and sold to disadvantage; which, I am morally certain, you would not have permitted, had you known of it, as I told Mrs.

His plan of Battle is soon clear to him: Nypern, with its bogs and scrags, on the Austrian right wing, is tortuous impossible ground, as he well remembers, no good prospect for us there: better ground for us on their left yonder, at Leuthen, even at Sagschutz farther south, whither they are stretching themselves.

The man shrank back involuntarily from Brandon's vindictive forehead and kindled eyes; but with the cunning peculiar to low vice, answered, though in a humbler tone, "And vet good vill that do your 'oner? If so be as how you scrags I, will that put your vorship in the vay of finding he?"