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Updated: October 19, 2024

"What did he give you that for?" "Why, for lookin' down me nose and sayin A-a men. The rest's to follow to-morrow midnight five of 'em if I'm a good boy, as I 'opes to be. Goin' to drop into me lap same as manners from the ceilin' when Moses was around while I sleeps like a suckin' innocent." The young man thought. "Have you told Mr. Woodburn?" "No, sir. I told no one only you."

"Vich is 'ardly to be expected, sir. Y' see, perfeshionally speakin', I'm arter two birds as I 'opes to ketch alive an' dead." "But how can you catch anything alive and dead?" "Veil, then, let's say vun alive an' t' other 'un dead." "Ah what kind of birds?" "Downy vuns, sir 'specially Number Vun!" and here my companion smiled and nodded benignantly. Mr.

"Very well then!" he shouted, "I 'opes as you gets your 'ead knocked off ah! an' gets it knocked off soon!" Having said which, he spat up into the air towards me, and trudged off.

VanVorst this morning, Roberts?" he asked. "Still very ill, sir," returned the butler. "Very ill indeed." "Not dangerously?" "We 'opes not, sir. But she's still very low, sir." Blake turned one fist in the palm of the other hand. "Why, I though from the wireless that Mr. Schuyler sent me that she was getting along splendidly. He stopped, abruptly.

"Seeing which, sir, an' because she must have that money if she 'opes to keep the roof of Dapplemere over 'er 'ead, I, there an' then, made up, or as you might say, concocted a story, a anecdote, or a yarn, upon the spot, Mr. Belloo sir." "Most excellent Machiavelli! proceed!"

In front of the Chancellor's office, where the Prince of Neufchatel was staying, were shown the initials of Napoleon and Marie Louise amid a circle of lights. On one window was this motto, Ex unione pax, opes, tranquillitas populorum, "This union brings to the people peace, wealth, tranquillity."

You walk straight down this road for a mile or so, and turn in at the first gates you come to, and there you will be; and I 'opes you'll enjoy yourself." The girl dropped a somewhat impertinent curtsy and marched on her way. Rosamund also went on, feeling more interested and pleased than ever. "Irene what a pretty name!" she said to herself.

"Hi opes has you won't lay it hup against me, sir, if Hi do as Hi'm bid: for if Hi don't jump spry the creeters will kill me, 'deed they will, sir."

The former thus speaks of Lacedaemon: Then gleams the youth's bright falchion; then the Muse Lifts her sweet voice; then awful Justice opes Her wide pavilion. And Pindar sings, Then in grave council sits the sage: Then burns the youth's resistless rage To hurl the quiv'ring lance; The Muse with glory crowns their arms, And Melody exerts her charms, And Pleasure leads the dance.

Oh, tell me Why come they not, and from their beaming eyes Speak comfort to my soul? For here environed I stand amid the desert's raging brood, Or monsters of the deep! DIEGO. She opes her eyes! She moves! She lives! ISABELLA. She lives! On me be thrown Her earliest glance! DIEGO. See! They are closed again She shudders! Quick! Retire your aspect frights her. RORER. Well pleased I shun her sight.

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