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"Men are such critics," and Irene addressed the remark to Marion, "they pretend to like intellectual women, but they can pardon anything better than an ill-fitting gown. Better be frivolous than badly dressed." "Well," stoutly insisted Forbes, "I'll take my chance with the well-dressed ones always; I don't believe the frumpy are the most sensible."

I cannot say whether the knowledge that Irene was in one of the cottages affected King's judgment, but that morning, when he strolled to the upper part of the grounds before breakfast, he thought he had never beheld a scene of more beauty and dignity, as he looked over the mass of hotel buildings, upon the park set with a wonderful variety of dark green foliage, upon the elevated rows of galleried cottages marked by colonial simplicity, and the soft contour of the hills, which satisfy the eye in their delicate blending of every shade of green and brown.

"There must be an end somewhere," Irene murmured, rather weakly. But her mother was writing a cheque. "I shall give you five thousand dollars now," she said, "and the balance when you give me the deed, or whatever it is. That is the proper way, isn't it?" "Well, it's done," said Irene, with an uneasy laugh, which her excitement pitched a little higher than she had intended.

But if I am the slave and dependant the creature of your will and pleasure why, that alters the case!" "Have you done?" Emerson was recovering from his surprise, but not gaining clear sight or prudent self-possession. "You have not answered," said Irene, looking coldly, but with glittering eyes, into his face. "Come!

"I suppose in certain circles" she began. "Oh yes! Shopkeepers and clerks and so on. But the book is supposed to deal with civilised people. It really made me angry!" Mrs. Borisoff regarded her with amused curiosity. Their eyes met. Irene nodded. "Yes," she continued, as if answering a question, "I know someone in just that position.

Irene was his only child; her mother had died during her infancy, and on this beautiful idol he lavished all the tenderness of which his nature was capable.

Don't you recollect Irene Spencer said that in old Sir Giles' will he left 'the Manor and all that it may contain to my great-niece Monica, especially commending to her the volumes in my library, and advising her to pursue the study of botany'? I remember those were the exact words. This must have been the reason.

"For those words," she whispered, "go in safety, and remember that from Irene you have naught to fear, as I know well I have naught to fear from you, O Prince among men." So presently I went. On the following morning, as I sat in my office at the prison, setting all things in order for whoever should succeed me, Martina entered, as she had done before. "How came you here unannounced?"

"Perhaps she is," said Phyllis, "although I never thought so. I thought her a pretty, sweet little creature. I think she is really fond of Irene, and Irene is sincerely devoted to her." "Well, Phyllis, I will confide in you.

She glanced at him obliquely round her fan, and stopped moving it. "Does Irene talk about me?" she asked. "I think so yes. Perhaps it's only I who talk about you. You must blame me if it's wrong," he returned. "Oh, I didn't say it was wrong," she replied. "But I hope if you said anything very bad of me you'll let me know what it was, so that I can reform "

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