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"Truly, you may say that," replied Harry; "I have traveled over a large part of the world, and for its own peculiar style of loveliness, I must say that I never have seen any thing to match with the vale of Warwick. I would give much, very much, to own a few acres, and a snug cottage here, in which I might pass the rest of my days, far aloof from the Fumum et opes strepitumque Romae."

And he bit his nails to the quick, that they bled again: but he never felt the pain. Hush! yes, somebody's about: it is Jonathan's step; and hark, he is humming merrily, "Hail, smiling morn, that opes the gates of day?" Wo, wo what a dismal gulph between Jonathan and me! And he beat his breast miserably. But, Jonathan cannot find it out he never goes to Mrs. Quarles's room.

But, rest his dear old soul, he died and his successors refused to see the transcendent merit of that performance, a view which my own maturing sense of belles-lettres values subsequently came to verify. When George Harvey arrived at the front I "'ad 'opes."

She keeps a tolerable table, haunted with Poles, Russians, Austrians, and idle Frenchmen, peregrinae gentis amaenum hospitium. She has heard vast reports of our wealth and wisdom, and flatters herself that we are so many ambulatory Indies: in good truth, a Frenchwoman thinks she is never in want of a fortune as long as there is a rich fool in the world. "'Stultitiam patiuntur, opes,

Henery Walker started raving ag'in, and for the next few days he tried his 'ardest to get a few words with 'is great-uncle, but Bob Pretty was too much for 'im. Everybody in Claybury said wot a shame it was, but it was all no good, and Henery Walker used to leave 'is work and stand outside Bob Pretty's for hours at a time in the 'opes of getting a word with the old man.

"No, I do not; it is some days since I saw Alain. But Duplessis will be sure to know." Here the financier rejoined them. "Mon cher, Grarm Varn wants to know for what Sabine shades Rochebriant has deserted the 'fumum opes strepitumque' of the capital." "Ah! the Marquis is a friend of yours, Monsieur?"

And he bit his nails to the quick, that they bled again: but he never felt the pain. Hush! yes, somebody's about: it is Jonathan's step; and hark, he is humming merrily, "Hail, smiling morn, that opes the gates of day?" Wo, wo what a dismal gulph between Jonathan and me! And he beat his breast miserably. But, Jonathan cannot find it out he never goes to Mrs. Quarles's room.

"Simon," commanded the Ancient, "hold thy tongue, lad; I says again, if Peter's been an' rose Prue's 'opes only to dash 'em 't will be a bad day for Prue, you mark my words; Prue's a lass as don't love easy, an' don't forget easy." "Why, true, Gaffer, true, God bless 'er!" "She be one as 'ud pine slow an' quiet, like a flower in the woods, or a leaf in autumn ah! fade, she would, fade an' fade!"

He, however, managed to sit still for the space of five minutes or so on the wall, whistling vigorously. 'I 'opes as you be a-gittin' on brisk with your book-larnin', Muster Alick? Binks lifted his head, after the prolonged silence, to regard, with a critical air, the boy who sat dangling his feet above.

This view, which admonishes me where the sources of wisdom and power lie, and points to virtue as to "The golden key Which opes the palace of eternity," carries upon its face the highest certificate of truth, because it animates me to create my own world through the purification of my soul. The world proceeds from the same spirit as the body of man.