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See a fine commentary on this passage in Sen. de Benef. 4, 17: Quis est, qui non beneficus videri velit? qui non inter scelera et injurias opinionem bonitatis affectet? velit quoque iis videri beneficium dedisse, quos laesit? gratias itaque agi sibi ab his, quos afflixere, patiuntur. Salarium. Properly salt-money, i.e. a small allowance to the soldiers for the purchase of salt.

There were also others found, to whom our diet, and the flesh we eat, were venomous and mortal: "Consuetudinis magna vis est: pernoctant venatores in nive: in montibus uri se patiuntur: pugiles, caestibus contusi, ne ingemiscunt quidem." These strange examples will not appear so strange if we consider what we have ordinary experience of, how much custom stupefies our senses.

She keeps a tolerable table, haunted with Poles, Russians, Austrians, and idle Frenchmen, peregrinae gentis amaenum hospitium. She has heard vast reports of our wealth and wisdom, and flatters herself that we are so many ambulatory Indies: in good truth, a Frenchwoman thinks she is never in want of a fortune as long as there is a rich fool in the world. "'Stultitiam patiuntur, opes,

Poetical, cf. 20. Et quod patiuntur, sc. proves that they are not of German origin. They paid tribute as foreigners. The Gothini were probably a remnant of the expelled Boii. Cf. note, 28, and Prichard, as there cited. Hence their Gallic language. Quo magis pudeat. Subj. Pauca campestrium. Poetical, but not uncommon in the later Latin. So 41: secretiora Germaniae; His. 4, 28: extrema Galliarum.

And are not you ashamed, reply'd the Cynick, to value your self upon that only of which a Piece of Brass is capable? Quoted from Diogenes Laertius, Lib. vi. cap. No. 145. Thursday, August 16, 1711. Steele. 'Stultitiam patiuntur opes ... Hor. If the following Enormities are not amended upon the first Mention, I desire further Notice from my Correspondents. Mr.

Marcomannis Quadisque usque ad nostram memoriam reges manserunt ex gente ipsorum, nobile Marobodui et Tudri genus: jam et externos patiuntur. Sed vis et potentia regibus ex auctoritate Romana: raro armis nostris, saepius pecunia juvantur, nec minus valent.

She keeps a tolerable table, haunted with Poles, Russians, Austrians, and idle Frenchmen, peregrinae gentis amaenum hospitium. She has heard vast reports of our wealth and wisdom, and flatters herself that we are so many ambulatory Indies: in good truth, a Frenchwoman thinks she is never in want of a fortune as long as there is a rich fool in the world. "'Stultitiam patiuntur, opes,

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