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Updated: September 1, 2024

It gave him a chance to write under the name of different characters, chief of whom were Florestan and Eusebius, between whom stood Master Raro. In Florestan Schumann expressed the powerful, passionate side of his nature, and in Eusebius the mild and dreamy side. He wrote to a friend: "Florestan and Eusebius are my double nature, which I would gladly like Raro melt down into one man."

He himself was personified under the dual form of Florestan and Eusebius, the "two souls in his breast" the former, the fiery iconoclast, impulsive in his judgments and reckless in attacking prejudices; the latter, the mild, genial, receptive dreamer. Master Raro, who stood for Wieck, also typified the calm, speculative side of Schumann's nature.

But vengeance was coming, and before many years were over his head Freeman had occasion to remember the Hornfinn tag: Raro antecedentem scelestum Deseruit pede poena claudo. Froude himself took the matter very lightly.

"The famous precept of the Stoic philosophers," he said to me, "'Sequere Deum', can be perfectly explained by these words: 'Give yourself up to whatever fate offers to you, provided you do not feel an invincible repugnance to accept it." He added that it was the genius of Socrates, 'saepe revocans, raro impellens'; and that it was the origin of the 'fata viam inveniunt' of the same philosophers.

The convent was burned, and several nuns perished among others Teresa; and with her all chance of knowing the story of my birth: tragic by all accounts it must have been." "Raro antecedentem scelestum, or, as I may here say, scelestam," said Oldbuck, "deseruit poena even Epicureans admitted that. And what did you do upon this?" "I remonstrated with Mr. Neville by letter, and to no purpose.

Chopin? I never heard of the name who can he be? In any case, a genius. Is not that Zerlina's smile, And Leporello, etc' I could not describe the scene. Heated with wine, Chopin, and our own enthusiasm, we went to Master Raro, who with a smile, and displaying but little curiosity for Chopin, said, 'Bring me the Chopin! I know you and your enthusiasm. We promised to bring it the next day.

I never saw him look so savage at Guy as when the latter quoted, "Raro antecedentem scelestum Deseruit pede poena claudo." Of course, he can not walk much; but, placed in a ride, or at the corner of a cover, he rolls over the hares and pulls down the pheasants unerringly as ever; when you come up, you will find him surrounded by a semicircle of slain, and not a runner among them.

F remarque, 'On ne dit point si le malade a appetit ou non, s'il tousse ou non, s'il crache ou non, en un mot on n'entre dans aucun detail sur ces objets. Mais on voit toutes ces circonstances detaillees dans la memoire a lettre A, 'Irritatio membranae trachaealis tussim, initio aridam, siliquosam, deinde vero excreationem copiosam excitat. Sputum albumini ovi simillimum. Appetitus raro deest.

He went off sadly to bed, and hardly once remembered, that he too would come in for certain punishment the next day. "Raro antecedentem scelestum Deseruit pede Poena claudo." After prayers the next morning Dr. Rowlands spoke to his boarders on the previous day's discovery, and in a few forcible vivid words set before them, the enormity of the offence.

"The famous precept of the Stoic philosophers," he said to me, "'Sequere Deum', can be perfectly explained by these words: 'Give yourself up to whatever fate offers to you, provided you do not feel an invincible repugnance to accept it." He added that it was the genius of Socrates, 'saepe revocans, raro impellens'; and that it was the origin of the 'fata viam inveniunt' of the same philosophers.

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