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'Dat dawg ain' good fo' nothin' ailse; so I jes rickon he 'th boun' to be a coon dawg;" and the author of "Snow in April" pounded the arm of his chair and roared till the gas-fixtures vibrated. Then at last, taking advantage of a lull in the talk, Rosella, unable to contain her patience longer, found breath to remark: "And 'Patroclus' my my little book?" "Ah hum, yes. 'Patroclus, your story.

Orkins, and I thought I'd come and warn yer like a man he's got into bad hands, that there dawg." "I am much obliged, Mr. Linton; you seem to be a straightforward-dealing man." "Well, sir, I tries to act upright and downstraight; and, as I ses, if a man only does that he ain't got nothin' to fear, 'as he, Muster Orkins?" "When can I have him, Sam?"

Do you want to see a dawg as CAN kill a rat? If you do, come down with me to Tom Corduroy's, in Castle Street Mews, and I'll show you such a bull-terrier as Pooh! gammon," cried James, bursting out laughing at his own absurdity "YOU don't care about a dawg or rat; it's all nonsense. I'm blest if I think you know the difference between a dog and a duck."

"Couldn't think of asking you, Ma'am," he added, generously. This delicacy made his aunt laugh the more. "Go and settle the bill, Bowls," she said, with a wave of her hand, "and bring it to me." Poor lady, she did not know what she had done! "There there's a little dawg," said James, looking frightfully guilty. "I'd best go for him. He bites footmen's calves."

"Well, that ain't just the way he told it," commented the foreman, stooping to expectorate into the hearth and stopping to regard surprisedly its unwonted emptiness. "He said " "I don't give a damn what he said," snapped Billy. "He lied, the low-down cur." "Uh-huh he said something about you shooting that dawg of his. I saw the carcass out there in the snow."

Anyway, she's got most things agin her to make her that way, an' it seems to me a yeller dawg don't have much the worst of the game. No. I guess woman's jest woman, an' us men needs to git right on our knees and thank Providence that is so." Bud reattacked his supper. There had been impatience as well as amiability in his denial.

"That there dawg don't seem ter take to me," drawled Jasper Parloe, who was the person on the bridge. "He needn't be afraid. I wouldn't touch the basket." "You won't be likely to touch it while Reno has charge of it," said Tom, quietly, while the girls passed on swiftly. Neither Ruth nor Helen liked to have anything to do with Parloe.

Mrs. Handsomebody looked at her bereft sideboard, and dropped into a chair with a gasp. "Are you sure he's gone?" "Yes'm. I stuck me head out the windy and seen him." "You're a brave girl. Get me the bitters. Yes, and lock the door into the scullery stay, what dog was it that barked?" Mary Ellen hung her head. "The dawg the little boys have been keepin' this bit while. It does no harm at all."

He knew what the verdict would be, and in twenty minutes the jury gave it, without leaving their seats. "Guilty!" The Sheriff came forward. He knew Jack and Jack knew him, and wagged his tail and whimpered up at him when he took the leash. "Well, by , this is a job I don't like, an' I'm damned ef I'm agoin' to shoot this dawg afore he knows what I'm shootin' him fer.

Cuckoo flamed at him. "She is, she is," she cried vehemently, all her passion trying to find a vent in the words. "You shan't have her, you shan't have her, you shan't if " "Neow, neow; I ain't sying nothink ag'in 'er," he interposed. "She's a pretty dawg, a very pretty dawg. 'Ow much do yer sy, lydy?" Cuckoo sickened. She looked away. She could not have met the eyes of Jessie at that moment.