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Rosemary frowned at the two and went to the door and called Compadre; but the blue cat, scenting a dog in the house, meowed his regrets and would not come. "I'll take 'im down with me," said Applehead, rising stiffly. "He cain't take no comfort in the house no more not till he spunks up and licks that thar dawg a time er two. Comin', Luck?" he added, waiting at the door.

Whyn't yo' come on, dawg?" The setter sauntered slowly up to the fence and stopped, without even deigning a look at the speaker, who immediately proceeded to take the rails down, talking meanwhile: "Now, I got to pull down de gap, I s'pose! Yo' so sp'ilt yo' kyahn hardly walk. Jes' ez able to git over it as I is!

Meanwhile he must meet the exigencies here in Marco. "Wal, what's next on the ticket?" queried Blinky, who appeared to be rather jerky this morning. "I'm going downtown," replied Pan. "Ahuh! I want to trail along with you." "No, I'll go alone. I'll make my bluff strong, Blinky, or draw Matthews out. Honest, I don't think he'll show." "Thet yellow dawg? He won't face you, Pan.

"I thank God I haven't such a cold heart as you." "And I thank God I'm not a romantic idiot. But your name's not Thekla for nothing I suppose." "My name's as good as yours. And I won't be looked down on because my father was once a German." "'Mr. Kayser, do you vant to buy a dawg?" hummed Miss Snodgrass. "Girls, girls!" admonished Miss Chapman. "How you two do bicker. There, that's Mrs.

Bramson," Abe protested, "did I ever done you something that you should talk that way?" "Me you never done nothing to, Abe," said Mr. Bramson, "but to treat a lady what is a lady, Abe, like a dawg, Abe, I must say it I'm surprised. "I never treated no lady like a dawg, Mr. Bramson," Abe replied. "You must be mistaken." "Well, maybe it wasn't you, Abe," Mr.

"It's not that," says "Mr. Wyndham, sir." "I have a large kennel of very fine dogs; they're the best of their breed in America. I don't allow strange dogs on the premises." The Master shakes his head, and motions me with his cap, and I crept out from behind the door. "I'm sorry, sir," says the Master. "Then I can't take the place. I can't get along without the dawg, sir." "Mr.

"Yo' ... yo' looked so funny a-fallin' over thet thar dawg, an' a-rollin' on the floor," her words bubbled forth. "I'm glad that you have something to laugh about, but dev ... deucedly sorry that I made you burn yourself, child," answered Donald, awkwardly.

He squirted in the soda. "Drink it down and you'll feel better." Paul swallowed a great gulp. "Yes," he agreed. "There are times when it does help a man." "Liquor is like a dawg," said Bill. "Keep it in subjection, so to speak, and it's yer faithful friend." "Where's Jane?" Paul asked. "She's busy.

Like you c'n see in my entry blank, what's layin' on the table in front of you. I adv'tised Chum as a bird dawg because I s'posed he WAS a bird dawg. I ain't a sharp on dawgs. He's the fust one ever I had. If he ain't a bird dawg, 'tain't my fault. He looks more like one than like 'tother breeds I'd seen. So I called him one." "There is no need to raise your voice at me!" rebuked the colonel.

The packages were rather a tight squeeze for the cabin, but they managed to get them in, and the skipper, with a threatening look at his mate, who was exchanging glances of exquisite humour with the watchman, gave his hand to Mrs. Bunker and helped her aboard. "Welcome on the Sir Edmund Lyons, Mrs. Bunker," said he. "Bill, kick that dawg back." "Stop!" said Mrs.