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He even felt some compunction about killing the Pilgrim's dog, when he passed the body stiffening on the snow. "Poor devil! Yuh hadn't ought to expect much from a dawg and he was a heap more white-acting than what his owner was," was his tribute to the dead. It seemed as though, when he closed the cabin door behind him, he somehow shut out his newborn satisfaction.

Unless your grandfather'll do the right thing by you an' call all ol' bets off an' give you a free hand an' a fresh start?" "All of which you rather doubt, eh, Bill?" Royce nodded gloomily. "I guess we've gone at things sort of back-end-to," he said regretfully. "You'd ought to have seen him first, hadn't you? An' then you kicked his pet dawg in the slats when you canned Blenham.

"That dawg mought eat a dead sheep but he never would kill a live one, and if you kill him, by , you've got to kill me fust." Now there is no more unneighborly or unchristian act for a farmer than to harbor a sheep-killing dog. So the old Squire and the circuit-rider had come over to show Joel the grievous error of his selfish, obstinate course, and, so far, old Joel had refused to be shown.

It was of no consequence whatever to him that the child stared at him with dancing eyes and cried delightedly, "Oh, Unc' Joe, what a pretty doggie! Oh, what a nice doggie! Can I have him, Unc' Joe?" "All right, Kid," said Joe Barnes, gazing down adoringly upon the little red cap; "he's yourn. His name's Sonny, an' he's the best dawg ever chased a chipmunk.

"We-ell, when he does turn on that thar mongrel purp, they's goin' to be some dawg scattered around over the premises now I'm tellin' yuh!" Applehead cocked his eye toward Annie-Many-Ponies and nodded his head in solemn warning. "He's takin' a mighty long chance, every time he turns that thar trick uh chasin' Compadre all over the place; and them that thinks anything uh that thar dawg "

'Well, I ses, 'sir, to be 'onest with you, don't you mention that there fact to anybody but me' because when a lidy goes out of her mind over a lorst dawg up goes the price, and you can't calculate bank-rate, as they ses. The price'll go up fablous, Mr. Orkins; there's nothin' rules the market like that there.

"That ain't nothin'. Once I bu'sted up a Mingo camp to git my dawg. They'd caught the critter an' was cal'latin' to sculp him alive. Got him free, too, an' the damn pup was that stirred up by his feelin's that he couldn't tell who was his friends, an' he chawed my thumb somethin' cruel." He stepped to the loophole, and after peering out mumbled: "Changin' mighty smart."

A thin wisp of new moon, before it set that night, looked mildly down on him curled up in a bundle at the foot of a little wagon out by the garage. Next afternoon before he left Earle chained him to his kennel. "Guess I better," he apologized. Aunt Cindy, who had watched the performance, shook her head. "Dat dawg knows," she declared; "he shorely knows!"

Mebbe they won't be so lonesome with us as they'd be somewheres else, bein's as our shanty's so nigh MacPhairrson's bridge they kin see for themselves all the time there ain't no one on to the island any more!" "Stumpy's not spoken for!" reminded the Boy. The dog was popular, and half a dozen volunteered for him at once. "Mike gits the dawg!" decided the Boss, to head off arguments.

A detachment swung forward, lean men and tall, stamped as hunters, eighteenth-century frontiersmen projected to the middle of the nineteenth. "Do any of you men know the South Branch of the Potomac?" Three voices made themselves heard. "Know it like a book." "Don't know it like a book know it like I know my gun and dawg." "Don't know any good of it they-uns air all rebels down that-a-way!"