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Updated: August 27, 2024

This work was translated into English by George Agar-Ellis, and retranslated into French in 1830, under the title 'Histoire authentique du Prisonnier d'Etat, connu sons le Nom de Masque de Fer'. It is in this work that the suggestion is made that the captive was the second son of Oliver Cromwell.

Nous avons dit plus haut que M.G.W.E. Russell avait connu beaucoup d'hommes marquants de ce siècle, et avait eu avec eux des relations personnelles. Il en fut de toutes sortes; leurs opinions religieuses et politiques étaient souvent très opposées, mais tous étaient au nombre des, notabilités du jour.

Pardieu, I believe you take them away in your pockets." "That must have been because you left me nothing else in them, Chevalier," answered Lord Dalgarno; but Monsieur le Chevalier, I pray you to know my countryman and friend, Lord Glenvarloch!" "Ah, ha! tres honore Je m'en souviens, oui. J'ai connu autrefois un Milor Kenfarloque en Ecosse.

Ah! si vous l'aviez connu, vous auriez pleuré son sort il étoit un si bel homme! d'une taille superbe!" said our honest host, whose knowledge of Murat was probably confined to his soldier-like figure, and his desolate state: he could have been no judge of the small extent of Buonaparte's obligations to his brother-in-law, whose former defection was but repaid in kind.

She spent some months in Paris, receiving from the Prince every attention which his position enabled him to show; and when she thanked him for such kindness, his answer was always: "Ah, madame, vous avez connu ma mère!" Is it in woman's heart not to love such a man? And then look at the purchase of the Murillo the other day, and the thousand really great things that he is doing. Mr. is a goose.

Otherwise for six or seven weeks there has been nothing from himself." This gave Chatty a little consolation. "Theo says it is all wrong, that it ought to be dropped," she said. "Theo has become severe in his judgments, Chatty." "Has he? he was always a little severe. He got angry" Chatty did not observe the look of recognition in Lady Markland's face, as of a fact connu.

That value nothing can take away, however dull, connu, and out of date the books may now seem to our new youth. It is a curious problem why our new youth persists in filling its stomach with the poorest trash that is "new" i.e. published in 1895, whilst it will not look at a book that is "old " i.e. published in 1865, though both are equally unknown to the young reader.

You have established good acquaintances there, and you have been 'fetoie' round by the foreign ministers; so that you will be there 'en pais connu'. Moreover, you have not seen the Stadtholder, the 'Gouvernante', nor the court there, which 'a bon compte' should be seen.

These rare qualities and your honourable character will link me to you eternally." In 1822, when O'Meara was slandering Lowe's character, the Czar Alexander met his step-daughter, the Countess Balmain, at Verona, and in reference to Sir Hudson's painful duties at St. Helena, said of him: "Je l'estime beaucoup. Je l'ai connu dans les temps critiques."

I thanked him, and replied nothing would give me greater pleasure than to have something which had belonged to him. "Je ne regarde jamais mes partitions sans etre gagne par la tristesse et sans penser que de morceaux a retoucher! En composant, je n'ai jamais connu d'autre muse que l'ennui." "On ne le dirait pas," said Mademoiselle, wanting to join the conversation.

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