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Here is his first programme, as I found it on the breakfast-table, and have kept it ever since as a relic of bright days: "Mesdames et Messieurs, "Mademoiselle Ferrario et M. de Vauversin auront l'honneur de chanter ce soir les morceaux suivants. "Mademoiselle Ferrario chantera Mignon Oiseaux légers France Des Français dorment l

It embraces specimens of eloquence on all kinds of subjects, in a middle style between the comparatively natural one of his Apologia and the congeries of styles of all periods which his latest works present. In these morceaux, some of which are designed as themes for improvisation, he pretends to an acquaintance with the whole field of knowledge.

The days of old came o'er me the benefit nights the play-bills, with the "Storm," "Black-eyed Susan," &c. in the largest type, as forming the most attractive morceaux in the bill of fare. Never were Milton's lines, so illustrated as in the last line of Gay's "Black-eyed Susan," "Adieu, she cried, and waved her lily hand," as sung by Incledon in his prime.

A woman in France, whatever be her condition, cannot be persuaded to resign her influence with her youth; and the bourgeoise who has no pretensions to court favour or the disposal of wealthy heiresses, attaches her eleve by knitting him stockings, forcing him with bons morceaux till he has an indigestion, and frequent regales of coffee and liqueur.

Fitzgibbon led to a duel between them, in which, fortunately, neither was wounded, but their public hostility was transferred to the arena of the courts, where some of the choicest morceaux of genuine Irish wit were uttered by Curran, at the expense of his rival, first as Attorney-General, and subsequently as Chancellor.

"Of course, the historian, Boulainvilliers, advocates the 'Germany, from its mention of the origin of the feudal system, that incomparable bundle of excellences, which Le Comte de Boulainvilliers has declared to be le chef d'oeuvre de l'esprit humain; and which the same gentleman regrets, in the most pathetic terms, no longer exists in order that the seigneur may feed upon des gros morceaux de boeuf demi-cru, may hang up half his peasants pour encourager les autres, and ravish the daughters of the defunct pour leur donner quelque consolation."

I am very glad that you went to Versailles, and dined with Monsieur de St. Contest. That is company to learn 'les bonnes manieres' in; and it seems you had 'les bonnes morceaux' into the bargain.

The music played by these men, those "morceaux fugues," once the pride and pleasure of the Netherlands, is now the wonder and despair of the modern bell ringer, however skillful he may be.

Of course, therefore, our public has come to be able to appreciate with a nicer discrimination and a finer zest the intellectual morceaux and the refined tidbits which Mr. Forepaugh's unparalleled aggregation offers.

'Nous l'avons en dormant, madame, échappé belle; Un monde près de nous a passé tout du long, Est chu tout au travers de notre tourbillon; Et, s'il eût en chemin rencontré notre terre, Elle eût été brisée en morceaux comme verre. 'A comet coursing along its parabolic orbit may come full tilt against our earth. But then, what will happen?