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"Let's put on our shoes," he said; "we can't go far in bare feet." "We can't go far in bare foots," echoed Diana, in a dreary sort of voice. "I's s'eepy. Shall we wun away in the morning, Orion?" "No; to-night! to-night!" he said, in terror. "You'll break your promise if we don't go to-night." "All wight," she answered.

So I thought I'd just wun ovah and see you." He relapsed into moody silence. "You've come to the right shop, I do believe," said Atwood. "Mr. Thompson, let me make you acquainted with my old friend Wyatt." "Chawmed, I'm suah!" muttered Wyatt, adjusting his monocle. "You have probably heard of him," pursued Atwood.

Ford?" demanded that young person, eager not only to see Wun Sing because he was one more familiar acquaintance but because she wished to settle a few old scores. "I'm so glad! I'll make him toe the mark here, see if I don't. Come on, Dolly Doodles, he's an old friend of yours, too." Alfy's eagerness infected even anxious Dorothy and gave an agreeable turn to the thoughts of all.

It'll be rippin' fun, but if that girl gets wind of it she'll stop it, sure." "I wonder if we'll see Wun Sing's hen!" said Monty again. "Stark! I tell you if you mention that fowl again I'll stuff her down your throat!" cried Herbert, dropping his jew's-harp and engaging with Monty. But the latter was round and easily slipped through Bert's fingers, and the scrimmage was playful, anyway.

Wun Sing protested; but when they were determined, he tremblingly presented each of the youngsters with a bit of red paper, inscribed in black with a few Chinese characters. Laughingly, they pinned these on and so protected from "evil chalms" sought the little wire enclosure which the Chinaman had made for his petted fowl, upon his first coming to San Leon.

"Hit wuz dis way, boss: I wuz layin' in my bed dis mawnin' sorter ruminatin' 'roun', when de fus news I know'd I year a fus' 'mong de chickens, an' den my brissels riz. I done had lots er trubble wid dem chickens, an' w'en I years wun un um squall my ve'y shoes comes ontied. So I des sorter riz up an' retch fer my ole muskit, and den I crope out er de back do', an' w'atter you reckin I seed?"

"Jist gie me a wun' an' I'll show ye wha'll be the Champion," he replied, and he had some reason for the implied confidence in himself, for he knew Muirfield very well, and no one had better knowledge of how to play the strokes properly there when there was a gale blowing over the course, and pulling and slicing were constantly required.

Wot Hannah and me wants to say is this as how Mrs. Whaley she met you in the street incerdentul. And she sez as how she newer saw no wun look no wusser than you do! Now, Ishmael, Hannah and me, we sees how it is. Youre a-killin of yourself jest as fast as ever you can, which is no better than Susanside, because it is agin natur and agin rillijun to kill wunself for a livin.

Or else Caroline, who arose before Adolphe, may have seen his greatcoat thrown wrong side out across a chair; the edge of a little perfumed paper, just peeping out of the side-pocket, may have attracted her by its whiteness, like a ray of the sun entering a dark room through a crack in the window: or else, while taking Adolphe in her arms and feeling his pocket, she may have caused the note to crackle: or else she may have been informed of the state of things by a foreign odor that she has long noticed upon him, and may have read these lines: "Ungraitfull wun, wot du yu supoz I no About Hipolite.

"He might have stayed right here with us or you, Monty dear," said Molly, sweetly. Monty merely frowned at her but continued: "There is a man did that. True. Went into the woods and lived in a cage " "All that trouble and expense for nothing," again remarked Molly; and this time Monty changed the subject, asking: "Have you heard about Wun Sing and his hen?" "Oh! never mind hens.