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"We all heard Merriwell cry out that he had been blinded. That meant something. There was foul play here, and the parties who were in the dirty game must suffer for it." "Faith, an' thot's roight, Bart, me b'y!" exclaimed Barney Mulloy. "It's as clane a lad as iver brathed thot wint over Black Bluff to his death th' noight, an' somebody will pay dear fer this pace av worruk."

Tak oop a subscripshun, lads, for to put off t' p'rade, an' if t' p'rade's not put off, ah'll gie t' brass back agean. Thot's wot ah said. All B Coomp'ny knawed me. Ah took oop a big subscripshun fower rupees eight annas 'twas an' ah went oot to turn t' job over. Mulvaney an' Orth'ris coom with me." "We three raises the Divil In couples gin'rally," explained Mulvaney. Here Ortheris interrupted.

"Becos next year he'll win it fra yo'. Oor Bob'll win it, little mon. Why? thot's why." The retort was greeted with a yell of applause from the sprinkling of Dalesmen in the crowd. But M'Adam swaggered away into the tent, his head up, the Cup beneath his arm, and Red Wull guarding his rear. "First of a' ye'll ha' to beat Adam M'Adam and his Red Wull!" he cried back proudly.

A-ah but them was the good times fer them that had brains. A jackass like me an' Mike, here, we're the fellers thot went on a lookin' fer gold an' givin' no thought to the trees that stood above. An' thim that took the gold an' the trees, they're the ones thot's payin' wages now to the likes of Mike an' me." He straightened his back and sent a speculative glance at the forest around him.

I'll have to feed 'em a week, and thot's dead loss; but I'll be contint; yes, I'll be contint, Hennesey, if I can furnish Williams wid the right kind of a crew, God d bliss him!" "Ye're gittin' religion, are ye not?" asked Hennesey. "I heard he slugged ye around decks and bundled ye down into yer boat." "Yes" and Murphy's eyes shone "but thot's all past, Hennesey.

All Tregenzas was o' the Lard's harvest; an' should I, as feared God more'n any o' 'em, an' fought for the Lard of Hosts 'fore I was higher'n this table should I Michael Tregenza, breed a damned sawl? The thot's comed black an' terrible 'pon my mind 'fore to-day; an' I've put en away from me, judgin' 'twas the devil.

"Very well," agreed Rand, "what do you say, Jack?" giving the coin a toss in the air. "Head!" said Jack. "Tail it is," returned Rand, as he picked it up. "Now, Gerald, it is your choice." "Head," replied Gerald. "Tail again," said Rand. "Faith, thot's the toime tail came out a head," commented Gerald. "Now, Dick." "Head," replied Dick. "Tail again," announced Rand. "Luck is with you, Donald.

"No getting out that way," he said, as he met with failure after failure. Once, while thus engaged, he saw Serato, the Indian foreman looking narrowly at him, and Serato said something in his own language which Tom could not understand. But just then along came Tim Sullivan, who, grasping the situation, exclaimed: "Thot's all roight, now, Serri, me lad!" for thus he contracted the Indian's name.

The regular road was a fair one in good weather, but, after such a rain as had fallen, this trail was hub-deep with mud in more than one spot. "Oi'll not go thot trail," was Delaney's comment. "Oi'll take the upper road." "Thot's roight, Mike," put in Rosy, his wife. "It's not meself as wants to stick fast in this black mud. Sure, and it's worse nor the bogs of Erin!"

"'Tis enoof t' raaise yore pore feyther clane out of 'is graave!" "'E'd sooner 'ave seed yo in yore coffin, Assy." She rose and took down the tea-caddy from the chimney-piece and flung a reckless measure into the tea-pot. "Ef 'e'd 'a been a-livin', 'E'd a killed yo. Thot's what 'e'd 'a doon." As she said it she grasped the kettle and poured the boiling water into the tea-pot.