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"And I'm tellin' you thees, Franke," he went on, suddenly belligerent toward the other. "If you don' t'ink I'm gettin' thee right caballo, I have you arrested for stealin' thot seex dolars thot time! Money is money, too. But a horse is a horse. I know thees horse. Thot's enough!" Yet he relapsed into a moody silence, puffing thoughtfully on his cigarette.

"Was he elicted?" asked Finn, scornfully. "I believe not," began Thaddeus. "But " "Thot's me answer to your quistion, sorr," said Finn, with dignity. "He'd 'a' had lamps befoor his house now, sorr, if he hadn't been gay wid his front dure." "Oh he was gay with his front door, was he?" asked Perkins. "He was thot, an' not ony too careful uv his windy-shades," replied Finn.

In a minute he was lost in the woods. Good-by, Silverhorns!" "Ye tell it weel," said McLeod, reaching out for a fresh cigar, "fegs! Ah doot Sir Walter himsel' couldna impruve upon it. An, sae thot's the way ye didna murder puir Seelverhorrns? It's a tale I'm joyfu' to be hearin'." "Wait a bit," Hemenway answered. "That's not the end, by a long shot. There's worse to follow.

Thot's t' road." Maggie whispered, awestruck by these preparations: "Which coops will yo' 'ave, Mr. Greatorex?" "T' best coops, Maaggie." At Greatorex's command she brought the little round oak table from its place in the front window and set it by the hearth before the visitor.

In fact, John Browdie's apprehensions were so strong that he determined to ride over to the school without delay, and invited Nicholas to accompany him, which, however, he declined, pleading that his presence might perhaps aggravate the bitterness of their adversity. 'Thot's true! said John; 'I should ne'er ha' thought o' thot.

"I've seen one in yer class Casey by name. An' thot's talkin'." He went his way. And Neale, plodding on, saw the red face of the great Casey, with its set grin and the black pipe. Swiftly then he saw it as he had heard of it last, and a shadow glanced fleetingly across the singular radiance of his mind. The shrill whistle of the locomotive halted the work and called the men to dinner and rest.

As many of the freshmen as could do so piled inside and upon the hack, and then Frank gave the signal, the driver whipped up his horse and away they went. "East Rock," said Frank. "Eh?" exclaimed the driver. "Thot's not pwhere ye wur goin' in th' firrust place." "We have changed the programme. East Rock is where we are bound for now." "All roight, me b'y."

"How much did yez bet on thot game?" "If I tell ye, I want yer to promise never to say nuthin' abaout it to Frank. If I win that bet, I'm goin' to give every cent of my winnings to some charitable institution. I mean it, by ginger! If I win that bet, yeou'll never ketch me in a scrape like this ag'in if I live to be four thousand years old." "Thot's a good resolution to make, Ephie.

Come along down an' take tay wid thim! "'There's damned little sugar in ut! sez my rear-rank man; but Crook heard. "'Have ye not all got spoons? he sez, laughin', an' down we wint as fast as we cud. Learoyd bein' sick at the Base, he, av coorse, was not there." "Thot's a lie!" said Learoyd, dragging his bedstead nearer. "Ah gotten thot theer, an' you knaw it, Mulvaney."

'Coom, retorted John, 'thot's tidy in you, thot is. If it wa'nt along o' you, we shouldn't know nought aboot 'un. Thou know'd 'un first, Tilly, didn't thou? 'I couldn't help knowing Fanny Squeers, John, returned his wife; 'she was an old playmate of mine, you know. 'Weel, replied John, 'dean't I say so, lass?