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Her mother would press the water from her dripping locks, and turn the soft, glossy hair in short, smooth curls over her fingers, put on the new frock, and then set her out before her admiring eyes, and exclaim in her fond motherly pride, "You's a purty cretur, honey. You dun know noffin how yer mudder lubs ye."

I heard Aunt Chloe the other day say, 'Pore things, dey a'n't ole 'nuff to know what dey'd lose, if dey done lose dere mudder." Mabel's ready tears began to flow. "O dear! O dear!" she sobbed, "mamma is going to die! What shall we do?" "Hush, Mabel!" said Edith. "If we ought not to play, why we'll stop; but there isn't any use in crying so. Do please hush this instant."

As Lindquist said to me, his blue eyes filled with pain and rage, "I know his mudder. When Nils ban so high, I yump him by mine knee." So it was that rage over the pitiful fate of their dear friend fanned into flame a spark of rebellion in the squarehead's disciplined souls, and caused them, eventually, to leap the barriers of race and caste prejudice and make common cause with the stiffs.

In de winter we had cotton shirt with a string to tie de collar, instead of a button and tie. We war den same on Sunday, excepting dat mudder would wash and iron dem for dat day. "We went barefooted in de summer and in de winter we wore brogan shoes. Dey were made of heavy stiff leather. "My massa wuz named Sam Jemison and his wife wuz named Chloe. Dey had chillun.

O Jerusalem! early in de mornin'. "I meet my mudder early in de mornin', O Jerusalem! &c. And I ax her, How you do, my mudder? O Jerusalem! &c. "I meet Brudder Robert early in de mornin', O Jerusalem! &c. And I ax him, How you do, my sonny? O Jerusalem! &c. "I meet Tittawisa early in de mornin', O Jerusalem! &c. And I ax her, How you do, my darter? O Jerusalem!" &c.

Pompey and Dan started as soon as it was dark, carrying loads, which they intended to hide near where the canoe was drawn up. "We carry all de tings dere first," he said, "and den you, cappen, and mudder, and Tim, come along, and we shove off widout delay."

"Now your own mudder wouldn't know you," said Dinah, stepping back to survey her work, and, strange to say, putting her black head quite artistically a little on one side. "You's a'most as good-lookin' as myself if you was on'y a little fatter. Now, mind, you's a dumb gal! Can't speak a word. Don't forgit dat. An' your name's Geo'giana. Come along."

Reaching a sequestered dell in a few minutes, Ravonino suddenly stopped and turned round with a calm air of satisfaction. "Well, dis am de most awrful supprise I'se had since my mudder give me my fust wollopin'." The expression on the negro's face rendered the remark needless. "It was well done," said the guide, seating himself on the trunk of a fallen tree.

Here you, Pomp," she called, "you go home wid dis good lady, and she'll gib you something for your poor sick mudder. Do you hear?" "I'se goin' to ride?" said Pomp inquiringly. "Yes," said Frank good-naturedly. "Hi, hi, dat's prime!" ejaculated Pomp, turning a somersault in his joy. "Scramble in, then, and we'll start." Pomp needed no second invitation.

Now, I wants yo to be nice; and yo can't, lessen yo can read and talk like de Captain done tole me yo mudder done." I was delighted with the book, and told her so, and hugged it all the way home; for it had a beautiful picture near the back, showing a little girl with a sprinkling pot, watering her garden of stocks, sweet-williams, and hollyhocks.