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"I wouldn't hurt his feelings because he's not free, you know, and he couldn't answer back," and the Major had said nothing more. Now "Do you like him, Big Abel?" he inquired; and to the negro's "He's done use me moughty well, suh," he said gravely, "Then he shall stay, grandpa and I'm sorry I cursed you, Harris," he added before he left the field.

"We gathered around him like hungry beasts, and I began to see terror dawning in his eyes. He turned to me, 'I's moughty glad you's hyeah, doc, he said, 'you ain't gwine let 'em whup me. "'Whip you, you hound, I said, 'I'm going to see you hanged, and in the excess of my passion I struck him full on the mouth.

Scott. "We-all will appint a committee to frame de rules of de see-ance, an' make 'em fair fo' both. You's been willin' to prove yo'-se'f, Ambrose, an' yo' couldn't do mo'. If dis m'latter Voodoo don't want to do lak'wise, he can leave dese pahts moughty sudden. Ain't dat so, gennlemen?" "Yassuh he'll leave quick!" was the threatening reply.

"Dat big man looked lak' he was jes' going t' start right in on his fren'. An' de luck turns his way, anyhow, and de lil' feller loses. 'I gibs yo' 'twill six-thirty to-night, de big man says. 'Dat's ma reg'lar dinner hour, an' I'm moughty savage ef I go much over ma dinner time.

"Dey stan' her up befo' Mars' Colby, an' hes eyes look lak' dey was red ya-as'm! 'Sally Alley, he roar at her, 'whar de odder laig ob dis goose? "Sally Alley shake like a willer by de ribber, an' she blurt out: 'Mars' Colby! sho' 'nuff dar warn't no odder laig on dat goose. "'Wha' dat? say he, moughty savage. 'On'y one laig on dis goose? "'Ya-as, suh sho' 'nuff.

But best of all, Jube was a perfect Cerberus, and no one on earth could have been more effective in keeping away or deluding the other young fellows who visited the Dalys. He would tell me of it afterwards, chuckling softly to himself. 'An, Doctah, I say to Mistah Hemp Stevens, "'Scuse us, Mistah Stevens, but Miss Annie, she des gone out," an' den he go outer de gate lookin' moughty lonesome.

But she ain' been dar mo'n er week when one night she went a-traipsin' out on de street en lef er principles behint 'er, en, bless yo' life, oner dem ar Yankees breck right in en stole 'em smack 'way f'om 'er. Yo' trunk is a moughty risky place ter kyar yo' principles, but Viney, she wuz dat sot up." A nod of assent passed round the group.

Yes, suh, de hoss he come right in des like he knowed me, en w'en I helt out my han' he poke his nose spang inter it en w'innied like he moughty glad ter see me en he wuz, too, dat's sho'. Well, I ketch holt er his bridle en lead 'im thoo de woods up ter my do' whar he tu'n right in en begin ter nibble in de patch er kebbage.

"De Lawd He give, en' de Lawd He teck," returned Delphy piously, "en' He done been moughty open-handed dis long time. He done give er plum sight mo'n He done teck, en' it ain' no use'n sayin' He ain'." "So the others are well?" ventured Eugenia, and as a bow-legged crawler emerged from beneath the doorstep she added: "Is that the youngest?" Delphy snorted. "Dat ar brat, Miss Euginney?

"The branches touch the library window. I had them trimmed last year that the shutters might swing back. What time is it, Dan?" Dan turned to the door. "What time is it, Big Abel?" he called to the negro outside. "Hit's goin' on eight o'clock, suh," replied Big Abel, staring at the west. "De little star he shoots up moughty near eight, en dar he is a-comin'."