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"You gennlemen kin'ly correc' me or bear out what Ah say. Leavin' aside all argument whether they is sech things as Voodoos, Ah guess any of you gennlemen from the South will remember Aunt Belle Agassiz and Tom Blue. Ah guess yo' mammies all done tole 'bout the African Voodoos, an' how ebery now an' den one of 'em crops up still.

Swaying unsteadily, the mulatto looked around him through eyes closed to snakelike slits. "Raffin," said Ambrose, "you-all has on yo' back de Eye ob Voodoo. Dese gennlemen hyar thinks yo' is a Voodoo. Ah know yo' ain't!" "I am a Voodoo! An' you, you sacré cochon," hissed Raffin, "I'll make you wish you had nevaire been born!"

Her speculations were interrupted by the voice of the master of ceremonies: "Ladies an' gennlemen," began Mr. Scott, "we-all has d 'cided to form a circle of twelve of our membahs wif dese two Voodoo gennlemen asettin' opp'site each oder in de circle.

An assenting murmur arose from the crowd, with much rolling of eyes and nodding of heads. Ambrose held up his hand for silence. A serious expression came over his features, and he towered tall and straight before them. "Gennlemen," he said, "Ah sho appreciates yo' good sperit in dis hyar unfo'tunate affair. But Ah tells you-all hyar an' now dat Dominique Raffin ain't no mo' Voodoo den Ah is.

Scott. "We-all will appint a committee to frame de rules of de see-ance, an' make 'em fair fo' both. You's been willin' to prove yo'-se'f, Ambrose, an' yo' couldn't do mo'. If dis m'latter Voodoo don't want to do lak'wise, he can leave dese pahts moughty sudden. Ain't dat so, gennlemen?" "Yassuh he'll leave quick!" was the threatening reply.