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It now became necessary to make our surroundings as international as possible, and as, happily, the French flag does not demand any very great skill in its formation, we soon had the tri-color stuck up everywhere; whilst in the most conspicuous positions French mottoes shewed out from the greenery. The wording of these latter was a tremendous effort, so limited was our knowledge of our nearest neighbour's tongue. Just to quote a few: surrounding every pudding a scroll with "Bien venue 'Thèmis'" painted on it; in the mess shelves, "Vive la France;" whilst, occupying a commanding place, the following long yarn "Servons nous votre reine mais honneur

Some years ago an Englishman, Lord Aylmer, caused to be placed within the convent enclosure a tablet with the words carved in marble: Honneur

"Why, yes and 'tis time we should," said Mowbray, coolly, "knowing one another, as we have done, even from our boyish days. You may remember, I never could bear to be piqued, en honneur; especially by you, my dear Harrington. It was written above, that we were to be rivals.

All in a flash of sudden intuition he understood what she wanted, and even as the door of the boudoir was thrown violently open Armand still on his knees, but with one hand pressed to his heart, the other stretched upwards to the ceiling in the most approved dramatic style, was loudly declaiming: "Pour venger son honneur il perdit son amour, Pour venger sa maitresse il a quitte le jour!"

The sister glanced at him with a deepening of that curious air of mockery and let fall two words in the same tongue. Then she turned to Arlee. "Je suis enchantée d'avoir cet honneur cet honneur inattendu " She did not look remarkably enchanted, however.

Close to the entrance were a receptacle for holy water in the form of a shell, and a confessional of stone flanked by boxes, one of which bore the words, "Graces obtenues," the other, "Demandes," and a card on which was printed, "Litanies en honneur de Saint Antoine de Padoue." There was nothing to please the eye, nothing to appeal to the senses.

The King, on the contrary, cared little about dress, loved the chase and shooting, was fond of talking of war, and had all manly tastes and habits. Monsieur behaved well in battle, but never talked of it; he loved women as companions, and was pleased to be with them. The King loved to see them somewhat nearer, and not entirely en honneur, as Monsieur did.

"There isn't money enough across the Atlantic to hire us," Jack answered, bluntly. "And ze honneur " "Honor? What would that word afterwards mean to Americans, Chevalier, after they had left their own country to serve another?" The Chevalier d'Ouray began to look as though he realized he had a harder task before him than he had expected.

About the year 1704, Hamilton turned his attention to collecting the memoirs of his brother-in-law, the Count de Grammont, as we may conjecture, from the epistle beginning "Honneur des rives eloignees" being written towards the close of the above year: it is dated, or supposed to be so, from the banks of the Garonne.

When I came out of the cookshop, the night was black. At the corner of the Rue des Ecrivains I heard a fat and deep voice singing: "Si ton honneur elle est perdue La bell', c'est tu l'as bien voulu."