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"I say, you fellows, have you heard about 'Thirsty'?" said Fletcher junior, as the Lower Fourth straggled into their classroom after interval. "I wonder if it's true." "Oh, it's true enough," answered Grundy from the back desk; "and I'm jolly glad he's done it.

M. Sarcey does not tell us what his interlocutor replied; but he might have said, like the hero of Le Réveillon: "Are you sure there is no mistake? Are you defending Sardou, or attacking him?" For another example of ultra-complex preparation let me turn to a play by Mr. Sydney Grundy, entitled The Degenerates. Mr.

And if, after this pair of speeches, mamma takes occasion to leave the room for a minute to fetch her scissors, or her thimble, or a bootjack and slippers, or the cross and ball on the top of St. Paul's, or her pocket-handkerchief which she has forgotten in the parlour if, I say, Mrs. Have you, madam? Have you any remembrance of what used to happen when Mr. Grundy came a-courting?

Her abode a studio and two bedrooms in a St. John's Wood garden had been selected by her for the complete independence which it guaranteed. Unwatched by Mrs. Grundy, unhindered by permanent domestics, she could receive lame ducks at any hour of day or night, and not seldom had a duck without studio of its own made use of June's.

But we can't, not until we've gone down the street and up in the elevator to some particular place where Grundy says we may sit. The most significant thing about that man on the grass was that he was in the heart of a great city. Cities are like homes. Some you're comfortable in some you're not.

After passing up a dark stairway they came to a door, which opened under the garret stairs, and Mary was startled by a voice which seemed to be almost over her head, and which, between a sneer and a hiss, called out, "See where the immaculate Miss Grundy comes!" This was followed by a wild, insane chuckle, which made Mary spring in terror to Polly's side. "Oh, who is it?" said she. "Is it Patsy?"

Anybody can attack Mrs. Grundy, but only a person of originality can adore her. Try it, Lady Kitty. It would be really worth your while." Kitty mocked and exclaimed. "Do you know what that phrase that name of abomination always recalls to me?" pursued the old man. "It bores me, even to guess," was Kitty's petulant reply. "Does it?

I have not yet finished what I have to say. Allow me to ask if Mrs. Grundy resides in this village." "Mrs. Grundy! Oh, I understand. Of course; wherever a woman has a tongue, there Mrs. Grundy has a home." "And seeing that Jessie is very pretty, and that in walking with her I encountered Mr. Bowles, might not Mrs.

Briefly, putting two and two together, six sixteen which he pointedly turned a deaf ear to, Antonio and so forth, jockeys and esthetes and the tattoo which was all the go in the seventies or thereabouts even in the house of lords because early in life the occupant of the throne, then heir apparent, the other members of the upper ten and other high personages simply following in the footsteps of the head of the state, he reflected about the errors of notorieties and crowned heads running counter to morality such as the Cornwall case a number of years before under their veneer in a way scarcely intended by nature, a thing good Mrs Grundy, as the law stands, was terribly down on though not for the reason they thought they were probably whatever it was except women chiefly who were always fiddling more or less at one another it being largely a matter of dress and all the rest of it.

You find what one third of 24 is, and if that is one fifth, five fifths would be five times that, and then see how many times 10 will go in it." "Exactly so," said Sal. "You'll make an arithmetic yet, and have it out just about the time I do my grammar. But," she added in another tone, "I've concluded to leave out the Grundy gender!"