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Updated: August 20, 2024

This episode was hardly over before Ike was back, and he nodded as he said: "He's coming direckly to sell us off." "Shall you be able to sell the things, then, this morning?" "Sell 'em! I should just think we shall; well too. There's precious little in the market to-day." "Little!" I exclaimed. "Why, I thought there would be too much for ours to be wanted."

Slowly he spelled out the poorly written words: From Y. N. took Unowhat. Went twenty yards strate for big rock. Eight feet direckly west. Fifty yards in direcksion of suthern Antelope Peke. Then eighteen to nerest cotonwood. J. H. begins hear. Collins read the scrawl twice before an inkling of its meaning came home to him. Then in a flash his brain was lighted.

An' luik weel aboot, Betty, you that can see sae weel, in case there suld be ony cattle aboot; for he's nane o' the cleanest, yon dame! 'I wull do that, mem. 'An' gang direckly, afore he comes back. 'Wha comes back? 'Robert, of course. 'What for that? ''Cause he's comin' wi' 'im. 'What he 's comin' wi' 'im? 'Ca' 't she, gin ye like. It's Shargar.

I labor for peace, but when I speak to he thereof, he makes hisself ready for battle direckly." I be never temp'ed to do nothing but what's good." Passing one day through an orchard, Mr. Froude the historian encountered a man who was contemplating a heap of apples.

The mate choked, and his eye sought the galley. "Eat more?" he spluttered. "Yesterday the meat was like brick-bats; to-day it tasted like a bit o' dirty sponge. I've lived on biscuits this trip; and the only tater I ate I'm going to see a doctor about direckly I get ashore. It's a sin and a shame to spoil good food the way 'e does." "The moment I can ship another cook he goes," said the skipper.

Get the Bible we maun. And ye maun fess't to me direckly." Dow was a peaceable man, and did not much relish the commission. Cupples, thinking he too was a missionar, told him the story. "Weel," said Dow, "lat him sit there. Maybe they'll haud him frae doin' mair mischeef. Whan ye jabble a stank, the stink rises." "I thocht ye was ane o' them. Ye maunna lat it oot." "Na, na. I a' haud my tongue."

"I 'll gang wi' ye direckly," said Malcolm. In a few minutes they were riding fast along the road to Kirkbyres, neither with much to say to the other, for Malcolm distrusted every one about the place, and Tom was by nature taciturn. "What garred them sen' for me div ye ken?" asked Malcolm at length, when they had gone about halfway. "He cried oot upo' ye i' the nicht," answered Tom.

"As sure's we're baith alive," asseverated Malcolm, "I ken nae mair nor a sawtit herrin' what ye're drivin' at." "Tell me 'at ye dinna ken what a' the queentry kens an' hit aboot yer ain sel'!" screamed the Partaness. "I tell ye I ken naething; an' gien ye dinna tell me what ye're efter direckly, I s' haud awa' to Mistress Allison she 'll tell me." This was a threat sufficiently prevailing.

"Jean, gae butt the hoose direckly," cried Thomas, on the mere chance of his attendant having lingered at the door. And the sound of her retreating footsteps, though managed with all possible care, immediately justified his suspicion. This interruption turned Annie's tears aside, and when Thomas spoke next, she was able to reply. "Noo, my bairn," he said, "what's the maitter?"

I inquired of the depot master. He sed direckly, and I went in & sot down. I hadn't more'n fairly squatted afore a dark lookin man with a swinister expression onto his countenance entered the cars, and lookin very sharp at me, he axed what was my principles? "Secesh!" I ansered. "I'm a Dissoluter. I'm in favor of Jeff Davis, Bowregard, Pickens, Capt. Kidd, Bloobeard, Munro Edards, the devil, Mrs.

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