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I don' mean west," returned the negro, with a reciprocal grin; "you couldn't be so mistook as dat but s'pose you'se go souf by mistake?" "Why, then the straits of Magellan would bring us up." "Ah well, massa, I dun know whar de straits ob Majillum is, but it would be a comfort to be brought up anywhar, for den you couldn't go no farder.

Unquestionably they were successful hunters, carrying game to a great gluttonous band feasting with energy two miles away. "Three Shawnees and Braxton Wyatt," whispered Shif'less Sol, who had crept to his side. "Don't you remember that he had jest the faintest bit o' bow in his legs? An' thar's that bow. Why, I'd know them legs anywhar in the world." "That's so," said Henry.

No shark he, dat ere skulkin' fella. He am massa long-nose, de real enemy ob de albacore. No fear ob dem leabin' us, while he anywhar in sight." Saying this the Coromantee proceeded to single out his hooks; and, assisted by Ben Brace, commenced baiting them with an unconcern that testified a full confidence in the truth of his assertion.

"Or mos' anybody else, out dis yer way," added Dick. "I isn't 'shamed to show dem fish anywhar." "No more I ain't," said Dab; "but you're getting too tired, and so am I. We must have a good hearty lunch, and put 'The Swallow' before the wind for a while. I daren't risk any more of these cross seas. We might get pitched over any minute. They're rising." "Dat's so," said Dick.

Strange people and strange tales come through this Gap from the Kentucky hills. Through it came these two, late one day a man and a woman afoot. I met them at the foot-bridge over Roaring Fork. "Is thar a preacher anywhar aroun' hyeh?" he asked. I pointed to the cottage under Imboden Hill. The girl flushed slightly and turned her head away with a rather unhappy smile.

"Then I don't want ever to see 'em or what's left uv 'em. People who built cities whar no water an' trees wuz ought to hev seen 'em perish. Wouldn't me an' Sol look fine trailin' 'roun' among them ruins an' over them deserts? Not a buff'ler, nor a deer, not a b'ar anywhar, an' not a fish; 'cause they ain't even a good big dew fur a fish to swim in.

"No; I think that jest here he could climb up, as fur as that thar shelf, certain. He may be old an rheumatic, but he's able enough to climb that fur." "I don't think anything could have happened to him here, or we should see some signs of him." "Course we would we'd see his remains we'd see his basket, or his hat, floatin and driftin about. But thar's not a basket or a hat anywhar to be seen."

'N er man bed his pick er places, too didn' hab ter go moseyin erroun' like some ol' hobo lookin' fer day's work, 'n prayin' de good Lord not ter let um fine it. No, sah; roun yer China Sea, coas' Japan, on de line, off shore, Vasquez, 'mong de islan's, ohmos' anywhar, you couldn' hardly git way from 'em.

Fixing his eyes on an individual in a white dress, with an enormous Leghorn hat on his head, who was apparently eagerly listening, while smoking a cigar, to the harangue, he suddenly exclaimed, "There now is Senator Huff, from the State of Missouri, he heerd of this vendue a thousand mile up river, and wall knows I'm about to offer somethin woth having; look at him, he could buy up the fust five hunderd folks hed cum across anywhar in this city, and what's more, he's a true patriot, made o' the right kinder stuff, I guess."

You couldn't hev floated across the continent on that thing." "We came on the raft that you see," interrupted Mr. Samson. "We left the Appalachian Mountains two weeks ago." "Well, by it must be true!" muttered the man. "They couldn't hev come from anywhar else in that direction. I reckon the hull blamed continent is under water."