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Al Hendricks may be of coarser clay than Sanford Embury, but he wouldn' treat a wife like that!" "It is annoying, Eunice, but Sanford is so good to you " "Good to me! Why shouldn't he be? It isn't a question of goodness or of generosity it's just a fool whim of his, that I mustn't ask for actual cash!

It wouldn' altogether surprise me," she added darkly, "if the after-consequences of this was worse than any Revival Meetin'."

Dey was all mighty good to me an' wouldn' 'low nobody to hurt me. "I 'members one time when dey all went off an' lef' me wid a old black woman call Aunt Ca'line what done de cookin' 'round de place some o' de time. When dey lef' de house I went in de kitchen an' asked her for a piece o' white bread lak de white folks eat.

He tole her it wuz his love for her dat hed made 'im stan' fust at school an' collige, an' hed kep' 'im good an' pure; an' now he wuz gwine 'way, wouldn' she let it be like 'twuz in ole times, an' ef he come back from de war wouldn' she try to t'ink on him ez she use' to do when she wuz a little guirl?

"Be gorry, thar's a lot uv German Amiricans, 'n' I wouldn' trust 'em," said Pete. "Well, there's some Irish people here that hate England, so they're against the United States too," said Tom. "Ye call me a thraiter, do ye!" roared Pete. "I didn't call you anything," Tom said, laughing and dodging the Irishman's uplifted hand; "but I say a person is American or else he isn't.

"She'll be wonderin' what takes me away from home so much at night; an' Ah don' much like to leave her alone, neither." "Cain' ye trust her?" jeered Pink, with an evil scowl, but Bud turned on him so fiercely that he added, hastily, "to keep still if ye tell her?" "Tell her? Tell M'lissy! Ah wouldn' tell her fo' a good deal! You-all don' know M'lissy." "She'd jump ye, Ah reckon."

Showed me every one as they came in, and seemed to make a point of it. 'Made me count 'em over, some time back. 'Wouldn' let me off 'till I'd checked 'em, tied 'em up in a parcel, docketed 'em, sealed 'em, and the Lord knows what beside. Very dry work. I claimed a glass o' grog after it." "And then you took 'em away?" asked Cai with a sudden hope.

Jehosaphat, though, wouldn' he jess go fer the Cap'n. I guess he'd give him ten lashes ev'ry day fer a month an make him set in the stocks with pepper 'n salt rubbed in his back 'tween times, an then hev him hung ter wind up with, an he wouldn' be half sassified then." "Warn't that the gol-darndest though, baout that Edwards gal agoin tew ass Perez to git the mewsic stopped?

And anyhow she kept p'intin' out that she wouldn' never need that there little house, because so long ez she lived she'd have a home with you two girls. That's whut she said, anyway." "But why weren't we allowed to know before now? Why didn't we know Mildred and I ten days ago, so that she might have been spared the cruel thing I've done?

Teacheh allers seemed diff'rent; ev'ry once in a while, one of us would see him walkin' on the edge of a cliff, or fin' him dizzily hangin' on to somethin' for fear o' fallin'." "How long did that go on?" queried Hamilton. "'Bout a month, I reckon. An' Teacheh was in trouble more'n more all the time, because folks wouldn' have him boardin' 'roun', same's he'd allers done." "Why not?"