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'Only once, but it was my admirable sagacity, you understand? I always see all the villains in books just on his model. Oh, but who's that? How very pretty! You don't mean it is she! Well, she might be the heroine of anything! 'Isn't she lovely? 'And has she been keeping school like Patience on a monument all these years? It doesn't seem to have much damaged her damask cheek!

Whether it was the smacking of his lips as he dwelt on the last word, or whether it was merely the fact that their fright was passing, matters little; anyhow, the cries of the twins died out as suddenly as they began, and their eyes, big and round, gazed wonderingly up at Sunny's unkempt face. "Who's you, ugly man?" asked Vada at last, her brain working more quickly than her brother's.

After the band had passed the entrance, it ceased playing, and the men, catching sight of Barry and the smiling group at the window above him, broke softly into a rather suggestive music hall ditty, at that time popular with the soldiers: "Hello! Hello! Who's your lady friend; Who's the little blossom by your side; I saw you, with a girl or two, Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! I'm surprised at you."

"It 'ud be queer if I hadn't, by this time," he answered. "Oh yes, I've thought things out pretty well, and I should say our people at the Yard have come to the same conclusion that I have I'm not conceited enough, Mr. Allerdyke, to fancy that I'm the only person who's arrived at a reasonable theory, not I?" "Well what is your theory?" asked Allerdyke. "This," replied the detective.

"She's been laid up for the last five years, since the heat and the native troubles stopped the tourist business here. She's the old Hesperus. Excursion craft. This sun-chasing trip we're going to make used to be a must for tourists here." "I thought she was something like that, with all the glassed observation deck forward. Who's the owner?" "Kwannon Air Transport, Ltd.

"Of what use were you last night? You allowed my prisoner to be carried off right under your nose." "Who carried 'im off? Answer that." "Why, some gawk of a Yank that you were too stupid to tell from me." "P'raps hit was, p'raps hit wasn't." "Who else could it be?" "I s'picion who it was, but I'm not goin' ter talk to one who's got nothin' better to give me 'n uggly words."

"But I can think of none, none at all, such as would be wanted. A man of broad mind, a real Parisian, and yet one whose presence at the head of the University wouldn't cause too much astonishment there's perhaps Dauvergne " "Dauvergne! Who's he?" exclaimed Monferrand in surprise.

Here, as the devil would have it, the pedlar snored so loud, that the highwayman, snatching his pistols, started up, crying, "Hell and d-n-n! I am betrayed! Who's that in the next room?" Mrs. Betty told him he need not be uneasy: there were only three poor travellers, who, missing the road, had taken up their lodgings in the house, and were asleep long ago. "Travellers," says he, "spies, you b ch!

Mary, who failed on the instant to grasp the meaning of this piece of eloquent information, invited the urchin to repeat it, which he did with the sly unction of one proud of his secret. Mary laughed to herself. Some girls would have repressed the youthful gossip, but she was human. Somehow, too, the name sounded familiar. "Who's Jim Daly, Joe?" "He's the boss of the Ninth Ward."

"I'll engage, Mave, on that point you'll find him spirited enough; for my part, I don't begrudge him what he wants; but I heard the people say, that no man's a gintleman who's not College-bred; and you know he's not that yet." "You forget that he has gentle blood in his veins, Denis.