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'I've not gone fra' home for nought; I'se picked up a measter on my travels, leastways one as is to be. 'Charley Kinraid, said Sylvia smiling, as she found that now she might reveal Molly's secret, which hitherto she had kept sacred. 'Charley Kinraid be hung! said Molly, with a toss of her head. 'Whatten good's a husband who's at sea half t' year?

Still, wench! what think yo of a lawyer? I know one, Mr. Cheshire, who's rather given to th' insect line and a good kind o' chap. He and I have swopped specimens many's the time, when either of us had a duplicate. He'll do me a kind turn I'm sure. I'll just take my hat, and pay him a visit." No sooner said, than done. Margaret and Mary were left alone.

"Who's going to pay my fare south?" "You are. You can get work at Marquette." "That ain't a fair shake," cried the man excitedly. "I'll have no growlers in this camp," said Thorpe with decision. "By God!" cried the man, "you damned " "You get out of here!" cried Thorpe with a concentrated blaze of energetic passion that made the fellow step back.

He shook his head. "I figured I'd git the lot if I traded. I'd get the show of all of the claims. See? The 'strike' ain't goin' to last. It's a pocket in the hill, an' it'll peter out just as dead sure as well as can be. An' when it's petered out there's going to be jest one feller around here who's made a profit an' it ain't one of those who used the sluice-boxes.

Forgive my ill-timed levity: I didn't mean it meanly, boy," P. Sybarite protested. "It's worse than you think," Peter complained. "I can stand her not caring for me. Why should she?" "Why, indeed?" "It's because she's gone and promised to marry Bayard Shaynon." P. Sybarite looked dazed. "She? Bayard Shaynon? Who's the girl?" "Marian Blessington. Why do you ask? Do you know her?"

"I went up to one of them sissy slackers " "Mind the kind of a name ye stick on to a soldier of the government! Do ye see who's listening?" He grabbed his prisoner again and shook him. "Be careful of what you say as an American citizen in the hearing of rats like this, Tolson! It encourages 'em. They think we mean it. Get the bile out of your system in a strictly family fuss!

But in spite of this precaution, we were not two-thirds the way up the flight before a voice shot out of the darkness. "Who's there?" We stopped and held our breath. There was a minute of silence, but it was broken by the creak of a board as one of the men shifted his weight. "There's some one here!" cried the voice above us. "Halt, or I'll shoot! Peterson! Conn! Come quick!"

"Well, he said that he supposed that babies were good things in their way; but he hadn't seen many in the village, and he didn't quite realize what help a day-nursery would be to the working women." "That doesn't sound mighty enthusiastic. Maybe we might get the money; but who's to subscribe the babies?" "Why, the working women, of course." "They can't subscribe 'em if they haven't got 'em.

Miss Hart had helped with these, and they were really triumphs of gorgeous beauty. Each lay on a lace-trimmed cushion, and with them were long golden sceptres with gilt balls on top. "Who's to do to the crowning?" asked King. "Why, I supposed you had those details all settled in advance," said Miss Hart, laughing.

Of course you know, said he, giving me advice which I needed very much, 'you'll often run up against a man who is a little sour, but if you sprinkle sugar on him in the right kind of way, you can sweeten him up. "You know how it is, boys, even now, all of us like to give a helping hand to the young fellow who's just starting out.