United States or Saint Kitts and Nevis ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"It isn't that," he said, with a hart-rendin groan, "it's only a way I have. My mind's upset to-day. I at one time tho't I'd drive you into the Thames. I've been readin in all the daily papers to try and understand about Governor Ayre, and my mind is totterin. It's really wonderful I didn't drive you into the Thames."

I tho't a wax figger of old Sock. would be poplar with eddycated peple, but unfortinitly I put a Brown linen duster and a U.S. Army regulation cap on him, which peple with classycal eddycations said it was a farce. This enterprise was onfortnit in other respecks. At a certin town I advertised a wax figger of the Hon'ble Amos Perkins, who was a Railroad President, and a great person in them parts.

"I believe so," I replied unconcernedly. "Wal! wal! I tho't you war lost. Whar did you go, anyhow?" he inquired in a tone of vulgar familiarity, and loud enough to turn the attention of all present upon myself and my companion. "Ay whar did I go?" I responded, keeping my temper, and concealing the annoyance I really felt at the fellow's impudence. "Yes that's jest what I wanted to know."

You'd 'a' tho't he wuz seekin', he used to look so moanful; but jes' le' 'im git into danger, an' he use' to be like ole times jolly an' laughin' like when he wuz a boy. "An' Marse Chan he wuz jes' de same. He didn' never mention Miss Anne's name, but I knowed he wuz thinkin' on her constant. One night he wuz settin' by de fire in camp, an' Mr.

"Calkilatin'," said he, "that the wild prairieman's rifle was a capital good one, as good a one as ever killed a bear, he tho't it a pity that it should fall into bad hands, so went to secure it himself, although the frontispiece of its dead owner warn't very invitin'. But when he stooped to take the gun, he got such a shove as knocked him backwards, and on getting up, he saw the prairieman openin' his jacket and examinin' a wound on his breast, which was neither deep nor dangerous, although it had taken away the man's senses for a while.

What are you givin' me! O' course they don't . . .!" She laughed outright; but the next instant checking herself, went on with absolute ingenuousness: "Before I went on that trip to Monterey I tho't Rance here was the genuine thing in a gent, but the minute I kind o' glanced over you on the road I I seen he wasn't."

B'longs to Miss Jean her that run off with the Eye-talyin. She kinder wants to sell it, and kinder not ye see " "Yes," interrupted Carmichael, "but about that big machine when did you say it was here?" "P'raps four or five days ago; I think it was a We'nsday. Two fellers from Philadelfy said they wanted to look at the house, tho't of buyin' it.

"Gee," he cried, releasing the youngsters and pointing at the mess on the stove and floor. "Now ain't that a real pity? Say, how d'you come to do that? It sure ain't a heap of trouble heatin' a drop o' milk. Most any fule ken do that. I tho't you savvied that, I sure did, or I'd ha' put you wise. Y'see, you should jest let it ha' come to the bile, an' then whip it off quick.

But I ain't big that aways, an' I ken see. If he goes on diggin' wot's his kids goin' to do, an' if he don't dig wot's they goin' to do anyways. We'll hev to form a committee " "Sort o' trust," grinned Toby. But Sunny passed over his levity and seized upon his suggestion. "I 'lows your fool head's tho't somethin' wiser than it guessed," he said. "That's just wot we need.

"Mah mammy useter tell me how de white folks would hire de slaves out ter mek money fer de marster en she tole me sum ob de marsters would hide dere slaves ter keep de Yankees fum gittin' dem." "I don' b'leeve in white en black ma'iages. Mah sistah ma'ied a lite man. I wouldin' marry one ef hit would turn me ter gold. Dunno nothin' 'bout votin', allus tho't dat wuz fer de men."