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So long as we'se doin' his will, Missy, it don't matter much whether we'se goin' roun' an' roun' or straight ahead. Stan' over, Ceesah!" and Pompey gave a final polish to the horse's already immaculate legs. "Why don't you blacken their hoofs, Pompey? They used to do it in Barbadoes." Pompey's eyes twinkled.

One day when he com'd down to breakfas, he chucked her under de chin, an' tried to put his arm roun' her waist. But she jis' frew it off like a chunk ob fire. She looked like a snake had bit her. Her eyes fairly spit fire.

But, as I was goin' to tell you, I fell acrost the Black Tyrone agin wan day whin we wanted thim powerful bad, Orth'ris, me son, fwhat was the name av that place where they sint wan comp'ny av us an' wan av the Tyrone roun' a hill an' down again, all for to tache the Paythans something they'd niver learned before? Afther Ghuzni 'twas." "Don't know what the bloomin' Paythans called it.

"Well, jes' den dey blowed boots an' saddles an' we mounted; an' de orders come to ride 'roun' de slope, an' Marse Chan's company wuz de secon'; an' when we got 'roun' dyah, we wuz right in it. Hit wuz de wust place ever dis nigger got in. An' dey said, 'Charge 'em! an' my king! ef ever you see bullets fly, dey did dat day.

"I'm got all de runnin' roun' ter do, an' yer kin jist bet I don't have no easy time. Quit as quick as yer please all of yer I'll go 'long wid de crowd!" and with a toss of her woolly bangs, she dumped a pan of potato peelings out at the door. "Dry up! dry up!" broke in the head waiter, appearing on the scene in true autocrat fashion.

Starbuck, ef it's jest de same ter you, I blebe I'd like ter quit dis place." "Why do you want to quit? Don't I give you plenty to do?" "Oh, yas, suh; dat is on er pinch. But de truf is it 'pear ter me like things er gittin' sort er squawlly roun' yere. Dat man Peters he's threatenin' ter knock er nail kag in de head an' ring er dish rag an' I doan want ter git in no row.

"I went dar, suh, but I seed a lot ob men a-hangin' 'roun' watchin' de place, so I jes' cum on heah, thinkin' p'raps Miss Nancy mite be wif yo'. I done got de papah she wanted." "Miss Nancy leaves at nine o'clock for Winchester." "Golly! Den I mus' git right 'roun' an' gib her dis heah papah." Sam started for the door. "Stop!" commanded Boyd.

Wall, mates, the wind blew all around us, but we didn't move at all. At eight bells the pig-pen fetched loose and them porkers got caught in the wind and whisked off the deck by the hurricane. As I've said, it was a circular storm and them poor porkers jest kep a goin' roun' and roun' and roun' the ship all that day.

"'Tremblin' sinner, calm your fears! Jesus is always ready. Cease your sin and dry your tears, Jesus is always ready!" "And dretful lucky for you He is!" muttered Samantha, who had come to look for Timothy. "Jabe! Jabe! Has Timothy gone for the cow?" "Dunno. Jest what I was goin' to ask you when I got roun' to it." "Well, how are you goin' to find out?"

'I des wanter tell you dat I wish mighty bad Brer Tukkey Buzzard wuz here, sezee. "Den Mr. Buzzard try ter talk like Brer Fox: "'W'at you want wid Mr. Buzzard? sezee. "'Oh, nuthin' in 'tickler, 'cep' dere's de fattes' gray squir'l in yer dat ever I see, sezee, 'en ef Brer Tukkey Buzzard wuz 'roun' he'd be mighty glad fer ter git 'im, sezee. "'How Mr.