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De men on deck was told to get de hatchway open when dey saw us coming, and so we hoped dat de pilot heard nufing. Now we must head you up in a cask. We hab bored some holes in it for de air. Den we shall pile oder casks on de top and leabe you.

But w'en you git Hannibal out'n de house, en git all th'oo wid dis baby doll, you mus' fetch it back ter me, fer it's monst'us powerful goopher, en is liable ter make mo' trouble ef you leabe it layin' roun'. "Well, Jeff tuk de baby doll, en slip' up ter de big house, en whistle' ter Chloe, en w'en she come out he tol' 'er w'at ole Aun' Peggy had said.

"You go in, Marse Oliver. Leabe de gemman here wid me under de tree. Everybody's got dere eye wide open now can't fool Malachi I knows de signs. Oliver walked leisurely to the door, closed it softly behind him, and ran upstairs into his mother's arms. Malachi whispered to Grant, and the two disappeared in the shadows.

Presby, who never called Cyd by any other name; "don't you want to own a boat yourself?" "I does own one, sar," replied he. "De Isabel jus as much mine as Dan's." "I was going to set you up in business for yourself, Possifus." "No, sar, tank ye; can't leabe Dan, no how; he fotched dis chile out of de swamp, and I don't run no popposition to him." "That's right, Possifus; stick to your friends."

But why not ax de Queen, massa, for leabe ob absence to go a-huntin'?" "Because she'd be sure to refuse," said Mark. "No, I see no way out of this difficulty. We are too useful to be spared!" But Mark was wrong. That very night he was sent for by the Prime Minister, and as he passed the Secretary's tent he called him out to act as interpreter.

I'se deeply mort'fied dat dis should happen. You'll bar me witness dat I tried to save you from all 'noyance. I know dis man, pointin' to a soger dat stood near, 'an' I'll put him in dis hall on guard. His orders are you hear dem not to let any one come in de hall, an' not to let any one leabe dis room.

"You trust me, sar; I'll carry it through all right, sar," answered Cupid, in huge delight at being specially entrusted by the skipper with this mission. "You hab but to gib me leabe to go, and I will undertake to carry out de enterprise to your entire satisfaction."

"Gossifus!" shouted Cyd, who still retained his position at the helm, though his interest in the scene of the forward deck caused him to steer very badly. "Hossifus!" added he, in gasping tones; "de dogs! de dogs!" "What's the matter, Cyd?" demanded Dan. "De dogs! Dey done eat dis chile all up! Dey won't leabe de ghost ob a grease-spot luff of dis nigger!" cried Cyd, in mortal terror.

"She po'ly, Marse Dave, an' she ain' nebber leabe dis year house. Marse Dave," said Lindy earnestly, lowering her voice and taking a step closer to me, "I done reckon de Mistis gwine ter die ob lonesomeness. She des sit dar an' brood, an' brood an' she use' ter de bes' company, to de quality. No, sirree, Marse Dave, she ain' nebber sesso, but she tink 'bout de young Marsa night an' day.

"Aun' Peggy heared his tale, en den sez she: "'Dat cunjuh man is mo' d'n twice't ez ole ez I is, en he kin make monst'us powe'ful goopher. W'at you needs is a life-cha'm, en I'll make you one ter-morrer; it's de on'y thing w'at'll do you any good. You leabe me a couple er ha'rs fum yo' head, en fetch me a pig ter-morrer night fer ter roas', en w'en you come I'll hab de cha'm all ready fer you.