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And my lordship ax what was to be done? And de whited saltpeter said how I mus'n't be let to leabe de room alibe. So when I heerd dat, I got scared; and anybody would in my place. So I opened my mouf to scream. But lor', childun, he squeezed my t'roat till I loss my breaf as well as my voice. But I heerd him ax her ag'in what was to be done?

De pleasantest sail I eber take was when I leabe old Berginny in de good Tantalizer; and I swings my hat at old slabe massa on de bank, and asks him if he don't wish he as free as dis individual. Dat was but a few years ago; den you wear little dress like Sea-flower, and now you talk 'bout going to sea! Well, dat am de way wid you sea-fish here."

"What a quiet, cosy place!" said Nigel, as he sprung on the beach and looked admiringly round. "Yes, an' not easy to find if you don't knows 'im. We will leabe de boat here, no danger ob bein' tooked away an' den go up to de cave." "Is it far?" asked Nigel. "A good bit near de top ob de mountain," answered the negro, who looked at his companion somewhat uneasily. "Why, what's the matter, Moses?"

"I done get sick, massa, and I's gwine up to de big house to see de doctor," replied the negro, who probably used the first excuse that came into his head. "The doctor!" exclaimed the soldier. "Is there a doctor there?" "I reckon dar's one dar if he done habn't leabe yisterday." "Then you can do my errand for me," added the soldier. "Yes, sar; what's dat, massa?"

Here Cupid, bursting with pride and importance at finding himself, as it were, a member of a council over which the captain was presiding, struck in "You jus' leabe dat to me, sar. Suppose you gib me leabe to go, I take ration for, say, free day, and go off by myself into de bush to meet dem cauffle.