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The trusty henchman immediately gave warning to Tod, who was at work in the lower hold arranging a bundle of bean-poles which had drifted inshore the night before part of the deck-load, doubtless, of some passing vessel. "Ay, ay, sir!" cried the henchman with a hoist of his knee-pants, as a prelude to his announcement. "Ay, ay, yerself!" rumbled back the reply. "What's up?"

Yet, even so, the evidence is not that the Italian always gets the best of it. I came across a family once working on "knee-pants." "Twelve pants, ten cents," said the tailor, when there was work. "Ve work for dem sheenies," he explained. "Ven dey has work, ve gets some; ven dey hasn't, ve don't." He was an unusually gifted tailor as to English, but apparently not as to business capacity.

This feeling soon gave way to unsuppressed indignation, followed by an active bitterness, when they realized in solemn conclave the meeting was held in an open lot on Saturday morning that the capture of the craft had been accomplished, not by dwellers under Barnegat Light, to whom every piece of sea-drift from a tomato-can to a full-rigged ship rightfully belonged, but by a couple of aliens, one of whom wore knee-pants and a white collar, a distinction in dress highly obnoxious to these lords of the soil.

"Fleshy, you say? An old man? A stout old man?" she held her hands distractedly pressed to her head. "What stout old man does Karen know? Is it a stranger she has met?" "No, he wasn't old. This was a young man, Baroness. He had now let me see his hair was sort of red I remember noticing his hair; and he wore knee-pants and a soft hat with a feather in it and was very high coloured." "Bon Dieu!"

He had not, and an alarm which the Sergeant sent out discovered no trace of him the next day. Jim was lost, but how? His mother wept, and his father spent weary days and nights inquiring of every one within a distance of many blocks for a red-headed boy in "knee-pants" and a base-ball cap. The grocer's clerk on the corner alone furnished a clew.

And did not that same sweet golden butter, made under the shadow of a Latin dictionary, win you the State Fair Premium, of that very silver cup, from which I drank my milk, as long as I wore knee-pants and round jackets? Was it not my father's fond boast that his wife's proficiency in music was equalled only by her wonderful skill in making muffins, pastry, and omelette soujflée?"

"And it isn't exactly pleasant for a fellow to be told that he's a baby Don Juan, to be called a male vampire in knee-pants especially by the woman he's going to marry." Disregarding her attempt to speak, he went on: "What you said about other women the way you said it sounded almost as if well, as if you expected there would be such, and didn't greatly care. You didn't mean it that way, I hope.

I write my address Cripple Creek, Colorado, U.S.A. We don't fight duels in my country any more. They've gone out with buckled shoes and knee-pants, Mr. Ainsa." "Do I understand that Mr. Gordon declines to meet my friend on the field of honor?" "That's the size of it." "I am then instruct' to warn you to go armed, as my friend will punish your insolence at sight informally."

Even young people as they start south and make some little knee-pants achievement, some kindergarten touchdown, succumb to their press notices. Their friends crowd around them to congratulate them. "I must congratulate you upon your success. You have arrived." So many of those young goslings believe that. They quit and get canned.

Scipio, on the other hand, gave me a disgusted look and sat back sullenly for a moment, and then took himself out on the platform, where the Virginian was lounging. "The young feller wore knee-pants and ever so thick spectacles with a half-moon cut in 'em," resumed the narrator, "and he carried a tin box strung to a strap I took for his lunch till it flew open on him and a horn toad hustled out.