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Updated: November 6, 2024

"You know who I am. And that fellow in the cab knew me, too. How dared he shoot that stuff into my face and eyes?" "I fancy it didn't take much daring on Mr. Damon's part," and Tom actually chuckled. "A big crook isn't any more important in our eyes than a little crook. We've got your henchman, O'Malley " "And you'd better let him go. I'm telling you," snarled Lewis.

Colonel Tyng and Major Henchman purchased of the Indians all their remaining interest in the land about Pawtucket Falls. During the nine years of King William's War, which followed the English Revolution of 1688, the people of Chelmsford and neighboring towns again took refuge in forts and garrison-houses. Major Henchman had command of the fortification at the Falls.

The face of the slightly taller man who stood at his shoulder was paper-white, expressionless, with a black beard. His name was Nevil Ormm, nobody was quite sure whence he had come, and he was Dunnan's henchman and constant companion. "You lie!" Dunnan was shouting. "You lie damnably, in your stinking teeth, all of you! You've intercepted every message she's tried to send me."

He stood for a moment looking at his political henchman. Then he came up. "Kid," he said, in a low voice, "you're overdoing this. I didn't intend you to go so far." "This is not what you intended, Mr. Stone," answered Hal. The pit-boss came closer yet. "What you looking for, kid? What you expect to get out of this?" Hal's gaze was unwavering. "Experience," he replied.

It was not the fear of that that deterred me, but the fear that did a charge of lead get mixed with my poor brains before I had said what I went to say, matters would be no better, and there would be one poor knave the less to adorn the world. "What shall we do, Michelot?" I groaned, appealing in my despair to my henchman. "Might it not be well to seek speech with M. de Montresor?" quoth he.

He allowed himself a slight movement of the arm. The shadow enlarged it into a sweeping gesture. "This seems rather discouraging, Martin," murmured the unmoved governor. "We mustn't be discouraged that's all!" retorted his henchman. "And after what we had to go through in that boat too! Why it would be " He couldn't find the qualifying words.

Wu hurried over to his henchman, and together they tried to decipher what had been scratched on the rock. As Long Sin's slender and sinister forefinger traced over the inscription, Wu suddenly caught him by the elbow. "The ring!" he cried, as at last he interpreted the meaning of the cryptic characters. But what about the ring? For a moment Wu looked at the slot in deep thought.

At noon that day, when wishing to buy food, we had been met with such amazing insults that Rashîd, my henchman, had not yet recovered from his indignation, and still brooded on revenge. On seeing that the ruined tower had occupants, he said: 'If these refuse us, we will force an entrance mercilessly; for see, they dwell alone, with none to help them.

"Enough," said the leader, changing his entire manner with the most sudden and shameless inconsistency. "You shall go back together, and woe betide the miscreant who would prevent it! What say you, brothers? What shall be his fate who dares to separate our noble Queen from her faithful Chinese henchman?" "He shall die!" roared the others, with beaming cheerfulness.

They were all natives, clothed much in the same manner as Sambo, and armed with heavy clubs; for, as we have seen, Thorwald was resolved that this should be a bloodless victory. "Whereabouts is the boat?" whispered Ole to his henchman, as he groped his way down the rocky slopes toward the shore. "'Bout two hondr'd yards more farder in front," said Sambo.

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