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"They couldn't do it" Billy shook his head "for the sake of argument or any other sake; and therefore I say, though not one to dictate to the Lord, that if a river can't be managed hereabouts and, these two not being Devon and Cornwall, a whole river might be overdoing things there ought to be some little matter of a trout-stream, or at the least a notice-board."

He replied that his cousin would be happy to sell me one and, if I would settle how much to risk and what number to put it on, he would take me to the office in the morning. I said I would risk a lira, which he thought overdoing it, as he and his friends seldom risked more than four or five soldi, but there was still the troublesome matter of the number.

Meg, have you ne'er noted that folks oftener come to trouble for want of their chief virtue than from overdoing it?" "Nay, Alice, nor I don't think it, neither." "Well, let be!" said Alice, shifting the basket to her other arm. "Them that lives 'll see it." "But what mean you touching Mistress Amy! You said you were feared she'd make trouble for Bess." "Ay, I am: but that's another matter.

It is wholly foreign to India, and impudent and out of place. The architect has escaped. This comes of overdoing the suppression of the Thugs; they had their merits. The old palace is oriental and charming, and in consonance with the country. The old palace would still be great if there were nothing of it but the spacious and lofty hall where the durbars are held.

Punctuality, he felt, was an excellent thing, a noble virtue, in fact, but it was no good overdoing it. He could give himself at least another half hour. So he dozed off. He woke again with something of a start. He seemed to feel that he had been asleep for a considerable time. But no. A glance at the watch showed the hands pointing to twenty-five to eight. Twenty-five minutes more.

Too many people down here. Besides, I'd like to take off this armour-plate of mine and get comfortable. When a girl gets as old and fat as I am " "There are some letters I ought to get out," Sophy Gold protested feebly. "Yes; I know. We all have; but there's such a thing as overdoing this duty to the firm. You get up at six to-morrow morning and slap off those letters.

He was able to think again of other things: of Cecil's school report far from satisfactory; of old Hermon in the village, whom he suspected of overdoing his bronchitis with an eye to port; of the return match with Coldingham, and his belief that their left-hand bowler only wanted "hitting"; of the new edition of hymn-books, and the slackness of the upper village in attending church five households less honest and ductile than the rest, a foreign look about them, dark people, un-English.

Tyranny and cruelty may make men justly wish the downfall of abused powers, but I believe that no government ever yet perished from any other direct cause than its own weakness. My opinion is against an overdoing of any sort of administration, and more especially against this most momentous of all meddling on the part of authority, the meddling with the subsistence of the people.

"Good-bye, Grandfather," said Molly with enthusiasm. As they walked along, Arnold was saying to Sylvia with a listless appreciation: "You certainly know the last word of the game, don't you, Sylvia? I bet Morrison hasn't had a jolt like that for years." "What are you talking about?" asked Sylvia, perhaps slightly overdoing her ignorance of his meaning.

Then she left the room. Rose Stillwater was very near overdoing her part. She rose early the next morning and came down in the drawing room before any of the family had put in an appearance.