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An' I motioned ter Pig-wigs ter come quick I hed fund suthin'. An' ez Pig-wigs couldn't put the deedie down, he laid the grant on top o' the boards ez kivered the pit. But the wind war brief, an' kem mighty nigh blowin' that grant away. So Pig-wigs jes' stuck it down 'twixt two planks, an' kem ter holp me ketch the rabbit. But Pig-wigs warn't no 'count ter holp. An' the rabbit got away.

The recollection of all this the lesser and unspiritual maternal values, perchance, but essential surged over her with bitterness; she lost her poise, and fell a-bickering. "'Precious leetle lam'," she repeated, scornfully. "Precious he mus' hev been! Fur when ye lef him he hedn't a whole gyarmint ter his back, an' none but them that kivered him."

Long 'bout three o'clock in de manning, ol' Bill Sikes cum up frum de lower pint, a drivin' his kivered wagon, an' made Massa Shrunk git up out er bed fer ter git him anodder team o' hosses. Den dey done routed me up fer ter hustle up sum grub." "Sikes; who is Sikes?" "He lives down by de lower pike, Sah; he's an abolitionist, sah." "Oh, I see; he and Shrunk worked together.

When I heard papa was coming to git me, I put cotton bats under the reels and kivered em up. Good thing papa got me Kitty would killed me when she went to spin next week. She been so mean why I done that way. "They never sold any of our set but some on the place was sold. The mothers grieve and grieve over their children bein' sold. Some white folks let their slaves have preachin', some wouldn't.

A house may be away off among the hills; it may be kivered all over with vines an' the flowers may sweeten the roof, and yit inside thar may be a heart that is a smotherin'." "It is mighty warm in here," said Margaret, entering the room. "Come to dinner." Jim, in a constant tremble, as if he expected some dire accident to befall him, sat beside Mrs. Mayfield.

I heerd him laugh out sudden an' then he kivered his mouth 'ith his long, bony hand an' coughed as I snatched the bonnet frum 'er head an' begun to tear a seam open. She made a grab over his spindlin' legs fer it, but I paid no attention to 'er, pretendin' to be fixin' it. Then the fun begun. I seed 'im lay hold of 'er wrists an' look 'er spank, dab in the eyes, an' 'en he begun to rant.

So you neenter be at all skeered, but go 'long 'bout yo' bizness en doan bother yo' min'. "So Dan went down by de ribber, en 'way up on de bank he buried de cha'm deep unner de root er a live-oak tree, en kivered it up en stomp' de dirt down en scattered leaves ober de spot, en den went home wid his min' easy.

But I kept at him; so at last he says: "Doan' you 'member de house dat was float'n down de river, en dey wuz a man in dah, kivered up, en I went in en unkivered him and didn' let you come in? Well, den, you kin git yo' money when you wants it, kase dat wuz him."

Upon receiving the five dollars he went directly to the Fashion Emporium, where the windows were filled with a heterogeneous assortment of gayly trimmed hats, marked enticingly with former and present prices. "I want a hat kivered with flowers," he announced. "Who for?" asked the young saleswoman. "For my mother."

We look everywhere in de hay-top, in de cotton gin-house, out on de prairie everywhere. Den I saw Miss May dat's yer granma, turn white-like, an' she say, 'Oh Delphy, oh James' dat's yer grandpa 'de ole well in de field! de ole well in de field! "Over in de bayou-field it done full up now, ole Mas' had a well dug to water de hosses out in. It war kivered up wid some bodes.