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Updated: January 14, 2025
The youthful Filgee, taking advantage of it, opened in a higher key, "Tige ith" but the master's attention was here diverted by the searching eyes of Octavia Dean, a girl of eleven, who after the fashion of her sex preferred a personal recognition of her presence before she spoke.
"What is too good to be true?" questioned the Chief Guardian herself. "Everything all that you have done for me." "We are still in your debt. Now you had better be getting along. Will you need a light?" "No, thank you. Harriet ith an owl. She can thee in the dark jutht ath well ath in the light," answered Tommy, speaking for Harriet.
Ith Jackthon acwoss?" "They're building a bridge. I don't know if they air across yet. I swum." "What did you thwim for? Where'th your jacket? What's your wegiment? '65th Virginia? Well, 65th Virginia, you appear to me a detherter " Steve began to whine. "Gawd, general, I ain't no deserter. If you'll jest have patience and listen, I kin explain " "Time'th lacking, thir.
But 'ith what ye gits from yer show ye c'd buy a hoss, an' when the wind 's in the nor'-east ye c'd tack away from home on some arrant see? But don't arsk her, 'less ye means ter stand by it, major, for the women-folks has got to settin' onaccountable store by ye, ye kind o' humors of 'em so." I limped down the lane to invite Miss Pray on our excursion, with light feet.
"Yeth; you'll hear it a bit oftener during the next eighteen month or tho. You take care you don't get tired of hearing it, thath all," he laughed. "Yeth," he continued, thoughtfully, "Reynoldth ith played out. Nothing much to be made of Gainthborough, either. Dealing in that lot now, why, it'th like keeping a potht offith. Hoppner'th the coming man."
Uncle Ith came on foot; and wore his old blue coat with brass buttons, his flowered vest, and shining trousers so awkwardly, that people who did not know him stared at him as at a strange spectacle. People and they were many who did know him, stared at him with a still greater surprise, wondering what extraordinary event in his history was about to occur.
"'Ith we married, thkipper? says Liz, when she got the ring on. "'Well, says the skipper, 'I 'low that knot 'll hold 'til fall. For, says he, 'I got a rope's end an' a belayin'-pin t' make it hold, says he, 'til we gets long-side of a parson that knows more about matrimonial knots 'n me. We'll pick up your goods. Liz, says he, 'on the s'uthard v'y'ge.
He had a son named Ith; and one fine evening in winter Ith was looking out over the horizon from Bregon's tower, and saw the coast of Ireland in the distance; for "it is on a winter's evening when the air is pure that one's sight carries farthest."
"Sally ain't very well, this mornin'. Up all night with the toothache." Redfield had turned from them, and Abel now remarked, "I was wonderin' whether I couldn't borry a little coffee from Mis' Braile for breakfast; I been so took up 'ith all these goun's on that I hain't had no time to go to the store."
I don't like to see you at meals with your hair down; you girls are too old for that." "Yes, Miss Elting," answered Harriet. "I gueth I'll cut my hair off. It ith too much trouble to fix it every morning," decided Grace. "But, Mith Elting, couldn't I fix it the night before and thleep in it?" "Certainly not! How can you suggest such a thing?"
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